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기다려봐, 아직 할 일이 많아.
— 로빈

불완전한 번역

이 기사 또는 섹션은 한국어로 완전히 번역되지 않았습니다. 편집하여 번역하는 데 도움을 주시면 대단히 감사하겠습니다!
2025-01-02 09:37:13 Lee chobab에 의해 마지막으로 편집됨.

입수처 제작
판매가격 판매 불가
제작법 입수처 Combat Skill Icon.png 전투 마스터리
재료 Iron Bar.png 철 주괴 (50)

모루는 플레이어가 장신구(바실리스크 발, 마법 헤어젤 제외)의 수치를 다시 조정할 수 있게 해주는 장비입니다. 전투 마스터리를 획득한 후 제작할 수 있습니다.

사용 방법

모루를 사용하기 위해선 플레이어가 재조정이 가능한 장신구를 들고 모루에 상호작용을 해야 합니다. 한 번 시도할 때마다 인벤토리에 있는 이리듐 주괴 3개가 사용되며 Time Icon.png 10m이 소요됩니다.[1]

요정 상자

요정 상자는 모루로 레벨을 변경할 수 있습니다. 이 레벨은 1에서 5까지이며, 치유되는 간격과 양을 결정합니다. 요정의 스타일은 레벨과 관련이 없으며 변경할 수 없습니다.

Fairy Level Healing Interval Healing Power Level Chance[2]
1 4.7 seconds 80% 33.66%
2 4.4 seconds 90% 45.00%
3 4.1 seconds 100% 13.75%
4 3.8 seconds 110% 5.16%
5 3.5 seconds 120% 2.44%

개구리 알

개구리 알은 모루로 색상을 변경할 수 있습니다. 개구리의 색상은 미용적일 뿐이며, 기능과는 관련이 없습니다.

Frog Type Probability[3]
Green 41.3%
Brown 21.3%
Blue-Green 21.3%
Blue 4.3%
Red 4.3%
Yellow 4.3%
Void 1.6%
Prismatic 1.6%

황금 박차

황금 박차의 속도 증가 지속 시간을 모루로 변경할 수 있습니다. 시간은 5초에서 10초까지이며, 초 단위로 결정됩니다. 6가지의 가능한 값은 모두 동일한 확률을 가지고 있으며, 약 16.67%입니다.[4]

얼음 지팡이

The frequency and freeze duration of the Ice Rod's projectiles can be changed by the Anvil. The two stats are rolled independently of each other. The time between shots ranges from 3 to 5 seconds, and the freeze duration ranges from 2 to 4 seconds. These times are determined to the millisecond, and all possible values are equally likely.[5] There is a ≈0.05% chance to get any individual value (e.g., a frequency of 3.456 seconds or a freeze duration of 2.345 seconds).

When re-forged, the Ice Rod has a 5% chance to become "Perfect" and change its name to the "Perfect Ice Rod". This variant fires every 3 seconds and freezes for 4 seconds.[5]

마법 화살통

The Magic Quiver's type can be changed by the Anvil. There are four types: regular, "Perfect", "Rapid", and "Heavy". The quiver's type will determine the possible values for the time between shots, minimum damage, and maximum damage. The generation rates listed below are the chances to obtain each particular type.

Cooldown is determined to the tenth of a second for the regular and Heavy types, and it is determined to the hundredth of a second for the Rapid type. For all types, damage is determined to the whole number. Cooldown and damage are determined independently of each other. All possible values of both stats are equally likely for their specific types (e.g., a "Rapid Magic Quiver" has a ≈9.09% chance to have a 0.65 second cooldown and a 20% chance to have a damage range of 9-14).[6] These stats are also re-rolled when the trinket is re-forged, so it is possible to receive the same type of quiver with different stats.

Modifier Cooldown Min Damage Max Damage Generation Rate[6]
(None) 1.1 - 2.1 seconds 13 - 28 Min Damage + 5 86.4%
Perfect 0.9 seconds 30 35 4%
Rapid 0.6 - 0.7 seconds 8 - 12 Min Damage + 5 4.8%
Heavy 1.5 - 2.0 seconds 23 - 38 Min Damage + 5 4.8%

앵무새 알

The Parrot Egg spawns a parrot companion whose level can be changed by the Anvil. This level ranges from 1 to 4, and it determines the chance for enemies to drop gold coins (worth data-sort-value="250">Gold.png250골드 each). For each gold coin an enemy drops, it has another chance to drop a gold coin.

When the Parrot Egg is re-forged, the maximum possible level is limited by the player's total earnings. Each possible level is equally likely once the player has passed the earnings threshold (e.g., there is a 50% chance to get a level 2 parrot if the player has earned between data-sort-value="750000">Gold.png750,000골드 and data-sort-value="1500000">Gold.png1,500,000골드).[4]

앵무새의 레벨 동전이 나올 확률[7] 괴물 당 나오는 동전 펑균[8] 괴물 당 나오는 돈 평균 최소 누적 재산[4]
1 10% 0.11 27.78 data-sort-value="0">Gold.png0골드
2 20% 0.25 62.50 data-sort-value="750000">Gold.png750,000골드
3 30% 0.43 107.14 data-sort-value="1500000">Gold.png1,500,000골드
4 40% 0.67 166.67 data-sort-value="2250000">Gold.png2,250,000골드


  • Since the Anvil's output is randomly determined each time a trinket is re-rolled, a player could restart the day to get different stats when re-forging the same trinket. This could be useful when Iridium Bars are limited.


  1. See Object::OutputAnvil in the game code.
  2. See FairyBoxTrinketEffect::GenerateRandomStats in the game code.
  3. See CompanionTrinketEffect::GenerateRandomStats in the game code.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 See TrinketEffect::GenerateRandomStats in the game code.
  5. 5.0 5.1 See IceOrbTrinketEffect::GenerateRandomStats in the game code.
  6. 6.0 6.1 See MagicQuiverTrinketEffect::GenerateRandomStats in the game code.
  7. See TrinketEffect::OnDamageMonster in the game code.
  8. The expected value is a geometric series, determined by the formula 1/(1-p)-1, where p is the chance of a coin dropping.


  • 1.6: 추가됨.