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17,953 바이트 추가됨 ,  2024년 8월 1일 (목)
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스타듀 밸리 1.6.8은 2024년 4월 28일에 [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/413150/view/4175475797747007861 배포] 되었습니다.
; 버그 수정
:* [[#1.6.7|1.6.7]]에서 확인된 게임 중단 오류 수정함. 해당 오류는 [[마을 사람들|NPC]]가 [[진저 섬#해변 리조트|진저 섬 리조트 탈의실]]에 들어가면 게임이 중단되는 오류임.
스타듀 밸리 1.6.7은 2024년 4월 27일에 [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/413150/view/4175475797747007861 배포] 되었습니다.
; 버그 수정
:* 플레이어가 [[피에르]]에게 [[피에르의 잃어버린 재고 목록]]을 주지 못하는 버그 수정함.
:* 호환성 브랜치를 사용하는 Linux/MacOS 플레이어에서 일부 기기와 [[사막 축제]] 로직이 작동하지 않던 문제 수정함.
스타듀 밸리 1.6.6은 2024년 4월 26일에 [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/413150/view/4175475797742551480 배포] 되었습니다.
; 밸런스 및 게임플레이 변경
:* [[벌집]]이 [[정원용 화분|정원용 화분]]에 심어진 꽃에도 적용됨.
:* “광산 카트”대체 레이아웃은 위쪽 또는 용암 광산 지역에만 나타남.
:* [[황금 시계]]를 켜고 끌 수 있음.
:* [[석탄]] 추가 → [[거대 나무 그루터기#라쿤 아내의 가게|라쿤]]과 [[마호가니 씨앗]]으로 거래 가능.
:* 50% [[마스터리 동굴#숙련도|숙련도 경험치]]가 의도대로 [[농사]]에만 적용됨.
; 번역 변경
:* 중국어 텍스트를 1.6.3버전으로 되돌림.
:* 중국어 기본 글꼴을 기존 사용되던 글꼴로 되돌림.
:* 1.6.4버전에서 도입된 부드러운 글꼴을 사용하는 옵션 추가.
:* 중국어에 대한 대화 글꼴 크기 슬라이더 추가.
:* 전체 러시아어 번역 및 사막 축제의 스프라이트 추가.
:* 러시아어에서 "이전" 글꼴을 사용하는 옵션 추가
; 버그 수정
:* [[멀티플레이어|멀티 플레이]] 중 [[거대 나무 그루터기|라쿤]] 컷신을 볼 때 Mr. raccoon이 사라지는 문제 수정함.
:* [[피에르의 잃어버린 재고 목록]]을 버리거나 [[겨울 별의 만찬]]에서 선물로 나눠줄 수 있는 문제 수정함.
:* 배우자에게 [[시들은 부케]]를 줄 수 있는 문제 수정함.
:* [[해골 동굴#보물 방|해골 동굴 상자]]에서 [[전 정동석]]이 1개만 생성되는 문제 수정함.
:* 저장 파일에 잘못된 동물의 집 데이터가 포함되어 있을 때 충돌이 발생하는 문제 수정함.
:* 프랑스 버전에서 [[페니]]와 대화할 때 충돌이 발생하는 문제 수정함.
:* 독일어 버전에서 [[윌리]]의 잘못된 농장 이벤트 문제 수정함.
:* [[농장 지도#삼림 농장|삼림 농장 지도]]에서 맵 타일이 잘못 차단되는 문제 수정함.
:* 호환성 브랜치를 사용하는 Linux/MacOS 플레이어에서 일부 기기와 [[사막 축제]] 로직이 작동하지 않던 문제 수정함.
:* [[화산 던전]]에서 일부 지역에 접근할 수 없던 문제 수정함.
:* 독일어 버전의 [[하수도]] 이벤트 수정함.
:* 다른 보관함에서 [[파스닙]] 15개를 모으면, [[루이스]] 시장의 선물 상자 메모가 다시 표시되는 문제 수정함.
:* [[에밀리]] 메이크오버 이벤트를 스킵할 수 없었던 문제 수정함.
:* 농장 노동자의 칼리코 달걀 경품의 예외 상황을 수정함.
:* 프랑스어 버전의 프리즘 모자 효과가 작동하지 않는 문제 수정함.
:* 많은 문제가 발생했던, Y를 눌러 "진행"을 확인 할 때 생기는 문제 수정함.
:* 농장 노동자의 섬 의상이 로드되지 않는 문제 수정함.
:* 소한 최적화 시행.
; 모드 사용자를 위한 수정 사항
:* 풍미 없는 [[어란]] 아이템을 보여주는 오류 수정함.
:* 모드가 [[마을 사람들|NPC]]의 '친구 및 가족' 데이터를 null로 설정하는 경우 발생하는 오류 수정함.
:* ID가 변경되거나 데이터가 제거된 인챈트 [[무기]]가 포함된 저장 파일 로드시 발생하는 오류 수정함.
:* 내일 날씨가 플레이어 임의 지정일 때 [[텔레비전|날씨 채널]] 시청 시 발생하는 소프트락 수정함.
:* 계절 타일 시트를 사용하지 않는 위치에 속하지 않는 임시 지도 수정함.
:* 잘못된 스프라이트가 있는 커스텀 [[생선|물고기]]를 보여주는 [[산 꼭대기|산 꼭대기 컷신]] 수정함.
; 모드 작성자를 위한 수정 사항
:* <samp>Data/Objects</samp>에서 두 개의 새로운 필드 <samp>CanBeGivenAsGift</samp>와 <samp>CanBeTrashed</samp>를 추가했습니다. <samp>CanBeGivenAsGift: false</samp>를 설정하면 <samp>not_giftable</samp> 컨텍스트 태그가 자동으로 추가됨.
스타듀 밸리 1.6.5은 2024년 4월 20일에 [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/413150/view/4176601063666391194 배포] 되었습니다.
; 버그 수정
:* 특정 케이스에 따라 위험한 광산 층을 로딩할 때 발생하는 오류 수정함.
:* (모드가 제거되어 발생한) 깨진 이미지의 NPC가 게임 로드 시 삭제됨. 데이터에 다시 추가되면 재생성 됨.
스타듀 밸리 1.6.4은 2024년 4월 18일에 [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/413150/view/4176601063663111285 배포] 되었습니다.
; New content & features
:* Added 20 new 'alternate' mine layouts, which can start appearing after reaching the bottom of [[The Mines|the mines]].
:* Added 20 new volcano mines layouts, which can appear after you've unlocked the shortcut between the [[Forge|caldera]] and the [[Volcano Dungeon|volcano entrance]].
:* Added [[Fishing#Fish Frenzies|fish frenzies]].
:* Added a special cutscene after you've helped your new neighbors grow their family to the max.
:* Added 4 new [[Fairy Box|fairy styles]].
:* You can now place 8 additional non-fish items into [[Fish Tank|fish tanks]].
:* Raccoon shop now includes a trade for [[Mystery Box|mystery boxes]] and [[Golden Mystery Box|golden mystery boxes]].
:* [[Vinegar]] can now be poured onto [[trees]] to stop them from ever growing [[moss]].
:* Shaving enchantment now causes tree-specific drops (fern → [[Fiddlehead Fern|fiddlehead fern]], [[Mushroom Tree|mushroom]] → [[Red Mushroom|red mushroom]], [[Mahogany Tree|mahogany]] → [[hardwood]]).
; Visual improvements
:* [[Casino|Qi club coins]] now show up in the shop menu.
:* Various map edits and fixes.
:* Removed [[Maru]]'s glasses from all beach portraits for consistency.
; Translation changes
:* Many edits and improvements to the Chinese version.
:* Edits to the Russian, Portuguese, Hungarian, Turkish, and Korean translations.
:* Changed the Chinese fonts to make them more appealing and readable.
:* Changed Hungarian number spacing character from a comma to a period.
:* Some improvements to Russian font.
; Balance changes
:* When you load a save, you'll now unlock missed Steam achievements if needed (e.g. achievements gained while playing offline).
:* Added [[Mini-Shipping Bin|mini-shipping bin]] as an expensive [[Qi's Walnut Room#Stock|Qi gem shop purchase]].
:* Added more variety, and improvements, to [[Skull Cavern#Treasure Rooms|Skull Cave treasure chests]].
:* [[Life Elixir|Life elixirs]] now only restores [[health]], and [[Energy Tonic|energy tonics]] now only restore [[energy]].
:* [[Seed Spot|Wild seed spots]] are now rarer, but yield more seeds.
:* Doubled the [[Iridium Golem]]'s chance to drop [[Iridium Ore|iridium]].
:* The [[monsters]] in the volcano entry level are now randomized each day.
:* Using a [[Treasure Totem|treasure totem]] indoors no longer works.
:* Going down a level in the mines now makes you invulnerable for 1 second.
:* Increased raccoon [[Mystery Box|mystery box]] reward from 4 to 5.
:* [[Farming]] experience now contributes to [[Mastery Cave#Masteries|mastery experience]] at a 50% rate.
:* [[Ice Rod|Ice orb]] will no longer freeze a [[spider]] while it is in the air jumping.
:* Removed [[Red Snapper|red snapper]] from winter fishing quest pool, and [[Sardine|sardines]] from the summer quest pool.
:* You will no longer get calico rating points from going down the [[The Mines|normal mines]].
:* [[Golden Mystery Box|Golden mystery boxes]] now have a small chance to yield an [[Auto-Petter|auto petter]].
:* Slightly reduced chance to find [[Mystery Box|mystery boxes]].
:* Mine barrels and coal carts will now "refresh" at the start of each year.
:* The order of mystery box rewards is now randomized per-player instead of per-save.
; Quality of life changes
:* Added a 1.2-second delay after dropping an item, before it's picked back up by the same player.
:* [[Napalm Ring|Napalm rings]] are now non-destructive on the farm and inside the [[Slime Hutch|slime hutch]] (i.e. the explosion will only damage [[monsters]]).
:* Added ctrl + right-click as an alternate toolbar drop hotkey.
:* Receiving a "special notification" (e.g. first [[geode]] message) will no longer cancel out player actions such as eating or warping.
:* Flopping [[fish]] no longer fall back into [[Fish Pond|fish ponds]].
:* [[Crab Pot|Crab pots]] now have a short time period after harvesting from them during which they can't be removed (750ms).
:* The Junimo [[Bundles|bundle]] menu now only highlights items that can actually be placed in the selected bundle.
; Other changes
:* Minor optimizations.
:* Added two inappropriate names to the list to exclude from the name generator.
:* You can no longer give gifts to NPC's during [[Weather#Green Rain|green rain]] year 1 (prevents incongruous attitudes). This also prevents a portrait issue with [[Demetrius]].
; Gameplay fixes
:* Fishing splash zones and ore pan points are now removed overnight.
:* The prize ticket machine now consumes your ticket when you get the reward, rather than when you first press the button.
:* For the purposes of perfection, the level 100 stardrop now has a more robust way to check if it's been acquired. This solves a problem where the flag for eating the lvl 100 stardrop could be missing.
:* Fixed Monster Compendium not actually doubling all loot.
:* Fixed geodes no longer dropping on the farm in normal circumstances.
:* Fixed rare crash when spawning items overnight.
:* Fixed crash when a certain mine level is chosen (<samp>_dark_dark</samp> crash).
:* Fixed player colliding with stuff during event cutscenes.
:* Fixed pre-1.6 forged weapons having reduced stats.
:* Fixed not being able to put a torch on the sprinkler you get as a CC reward.
:* Fixed disappearing pets bug.
:* Fixed various bugs/crashes related to building a cabin.
:* Fixed wild seeds in garden pots putting their final crop in the top-left corner of the map instead of the pot.
:* Fixed "lost and found" chests (from night market and elsewhere) not working anymore in 1.6.
:* Fixed a duplication bug with the "lost and found" chests.
:* Fixed slime hutch floors reverting to the default after reloading a game.
:* Fixed malformed casino shop red fireworks ID.
:* Fixed pet adoption catch-all case only working with the animal catalogue, and only applying in year 2 specifically, rather than for any year 2 or beyond.
:* Fixed 'use legacy randomization' option applied inconsistently when loading a save, which caused weird issues like broken green rain days.
:* Fixed the case where you could permanently miss the ancient seed recipe if you grabbed the ancient seed packet but not the associated recipe, and then closed the museum rewards menu. Missing recipes will also be restored upon loading a file.
:* Fixed issue with duplicated animals & building interiors from pre ~1.3 saves.
:* Fixed end tables not being rotateable.
:* Fixed an issue where empty barns/coops could not be removed by Robin on old saves.
:* Fixed slime egg incubators letting you reclaim the egg before it hatches.
:* Fixed farmhouse placement bounds to match the object placement restrictions around it.
; Multiplayer fixes
:* Synced some NPC Gift data in other languages.
:* Fixed fireworks (and possibly other sprites) drawing behind stuff in multiplayer.
:* Fixed "Build a Silo" quest not being completed for farmhands.
:* Fixed Raccoon quest not being removed for all players.
:* Fixed double trinket issue when a farmhand disconnects/reconnects.
:* Fixed double and/or missing derby participants sprite issue in multiplayer.
; Display text and localization fixes
:* Many edits and fixes in translation text.
:* Fixed a text parsing error for Asian languages which caused them to incorrectly wrap in some cases.
:* Fixed spacing issues in Asian languages.
:* Fixed several localization issues (day time money box extra space in Chinese, missing Elliott sentence opener, Fizz name untranslated, birthday string de-hardcoded, etc).
:* Fixed Russian line break issue.
:* Fixed an issue with the perfection tracker display in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese.
:* Fixed events not consistently handling gender-dependent text.
; Cosmetic fixes
:* Adjusted basic object layer depth anchor point so it's more centered rather than on the bottom.
:* Placeable grass now offsets vertically a little if it would clip through a front-layer tile.
:* Fixed seasonal world map not working for non-English players.
:* Fixed flying monsters not being draw above things on the farm & volcano.
:* Fixed reward icon in completed quest menu being visually offset.
:* Fixed george's TV clipping with farmer during green rain.
:* Fixed movies not showing layered sprites (e.g. the eyeball in Mysterium).
:* Fixed Qi club coins drawn below the lightmap.
:* Fixed Qi coin overlay drawn during minigames.
:* Fixed crane game audio not stopping when the game is forcefully closed.
:* Fixed some tooltip padding issues.
:* Fixed movie theater display issues on the world map.
:* Fixed repeated dialogue selection sound if a control was plugged in but you are using a mouse.
:* Fixed quest reward icon input offset issue.
:* Fixed Joja Warehouse roof drawing above the weather (and possibly other similar cases).
:* Fixed various map tile issues.
:* Fixed a visual issue with a shadow in the farm house.
:* Fixed able to swap two chests of the same type.
:* Fixed machines sometimes wobbling when they're not processing anything.
; Changes for modded players
:* Improved debug commands:
:** Added debug commands to change pet types/breeds, to allow migrating older saves (<samp>setPreferredPet</samp> and <samp>changePet</samp>). This replaces the former <samp>toggleCatPerson</samp> command.
:** The <samp>filterLoadMenu <search></samp> command now keeps the original save slot numbers.
:** Combined <samp>removeNpc</samp> and <samp>killNpc</samp> commands. The unified command removes all instances of an NPC, to help fix duplicate NPCs.
; Changes for mod authors
:* C# mods can now hide specific animals from the animal social menu (e.g. animals owned by NPCs) via the <samp>FarmAnimal.hideFromAnimalSocialMenu</samp> field.
:* In <samp>Data/Buildings</samp>, you can now add furniture via <samp>IndoorItems</samp>.
:* In <samp>Data/FarmAnimals</samp>, added fields to set the sleep sprite and whether they eat golden crackers.
:* In <samp>Data/Locations</samp>, added fields to set effect of fish-specific bait and whether fish can be caught using a training rod.
:* In <samp>Data/Machines</samp>, added option to only let the machine complete overnight.
:* In <samp>Data/Powers</samp>, added <samp>CustomFields</samp> field.
:* Added missing <samp>Id</samp> fields in <samp>Data/FarmAnimals</samp> and <samp>Data/Pets</samp>.
:* Added a warning when a farm animal's spritesheet size is invalid, which would previously lead to the animal silently freezing.
:* You can now use tokenizable strings in event scripts and dialogue text.
:* De-hardcoded forest waterfall fish into <samp>Data/Locations</samp>.
; Fixes for modded players
:* Fixed some wallpapers and flooring not appearing in mod item lists.
:* Fixed pre-1.6 farm maps having broken warps to the bus stop.
:* Fixed errors and crashes due to mods adding items without a name.
:* Fixed softlock when a warp leads to an invalid location.
:* Fixed crash when playing events that use the <samp>replaceWithClones</samp> command.
:* Fixed crash if an NPC has invalid temporary dialogue.
:* Fixed world map showing a glitched texture for custom farm types which don't override it.
:* Fixed another case of NPC duplication involving the movie theater.
:* Fixed crash when loading a save if a farm Junimo wasn't properly removed before saving.
:* Fixed crash if the lost & found contains null items.
:* Fixed disconnect for Steam players when using mods that send messages before a farmhand has been approved.
:* Fixed crash on save if shipping bin has empty slots.
:* Fixed riding the bus to the desert instantly warping you back if mods added warps on the desert road.
:* Fix multiplayer crash if some players don't have the same NPC textures.
; Fixes for mod authors
:* Fixed farmhands' cellars not applying cellar data from <samp>Data/Locations</samp>.
:* Fixed crash if a farm animal has no entry in <samp>Data/FarmAnimals</samp>.
:* Fixed festivals ignoring year suffixes for <samp><setup>_additionalCharacters</samp> and <samp>name</samp> fields.
:* Fixed issues with farm animals which have a custom home building.
:* Fixed hardcoded assumptions about farm animal spritesheets which could cause counter-intuitive behavior with custom animals.
{{version history hotfixes|content=&#32;
; 19 April 2024 "hotfix #1" ([https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/413150/view/4176601063665061439?l=english Steam announcement])
:* Fixes issue when dropping a big chest into a small chest
:* Quarry mine level can no longer be an alternate layout
:* Prevents the player from running through barriers in certain transit cutscenes
:* Mine levels 45 and 85 are now also refreshed at the beginning of the year



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