황금 박차

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황금 박차
Golden Spur.png
획득처: MonstersCrates and BarrelsSkull Cavern Treasure Rooms
모험가의 길드

구매가격: N/A
판매가격: data-sort-value="1000">Gold.png1,000골드
Robin building.png
기다려봐, 아직 할 일이 많아.
— 로빈

불완전한 번역

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2024-11-25 20:28:33 Margotbean에 의해 마지막으로 편집됨.

The Golden Spur is a trinket item obtainable after claiming Combat Mastery. It can be obtained by slaying monsters or breaking crates and barrels in the Mines, Skull Cavern, or Quarry Mine. Drop chances from both methods are affected by daily luck and luck buffs, among other factors. The Burglar's Ring and Monster Compendium do not impact the chance to obtain it from monsters.[1] There is also a ≈0.6% chance to obtain a Golden Spur from a treasure chest in the Skull Cavern.[2]

While the Golden Spur is equipped in the trinket slot, the player gains a brief Speed.png 속도 (+1) buff each time they land a critical strike. The duration of the speed boost ranges from 5 to 10 seconds, and this time is determined to the second. Each of the six possible values is equally likely when it is dropped, and the duration can be changed if the trinket is re-forged on an Anvil.[3]


마을 주민 반응

좋아함 Wizard Icon.png 마법사
싫어함 Gus Icon.png 거스Demetrius Icon.png 드미트리우스Dwarf Icon.png 드워프Linus Icon.png 라이너스Leah Icon.png 레아Robin Icon.png 로빈Lewis Icon.png 루이스Marnie Icon.png 마니Maru Icon.png 마루Vincent Icon.png 빈센트Sam Icon.png Sebastian Icon.png 세바스찬Shane Icon.png 셰인Alex Icon.png 알렉스Abigail Icon.png 애비게일Emily Icon.png 에밀리Evelyn Icon.png 에블린Elliott Icon.png 엘리엇Willy Icon.png 윌리Jas Icon.png 재스Jodi Icon.png 조디George Icon.png 조지Krobus Icon.png 크로버스Clint Icon.png 클린트Pam Icon.png Penny Icon.png 페니Harvey Icon.png 하비Haley Icon.png 헤일리


  • It was likely intended to be called the Iridium Spur.[4]


  1. See Trinket::TrySpawnTrinket, GameLocation::monsterDrop, and BreakableContainer::releaseContents in the game code.
  2. See MineShaft::getTreasureRoomItem in the game code.
  3. See TrinketEffect::GenerateRandomStats in the game code.
  4. See Data/Trinkets.json. The item ID is IridiumSpur.


  • 1.6: Introduced.