용암 어슬렁이

Margotbean (토론 | 기여)님의 2023년 11월 29일 (수) 03:02 판
용암 어슬렁이
Lava Lurk Anim.gif
서식지: Volcano Dungeon
층: All
처치 가능 여부: Yes
기본 체력: 220
기본 데미지: 15
기본 방어력: 5
속도: 2
경험치: 12
종류: None
떨어뜨리는 아이템: Bone Fragment.png 뼛조각 (50%)Bone Fragment.png 뼛조각 (40%)Bone Fragment.png 뼛조각 (20%)Dragon Tooth.png 용의 이빨 (15%)

광산 바닥에 도달하면:

Diamond.png 다이아몬드 (0.05%)Prismatic Shard.png 무지갯빛 파편 (0.05%)
Robin building.png
기다려봐, 아직 할 일이 많아.
— 로빈

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2023-11-29 03:02:55 Margotbean에 의해 마지막으로 편집됨.

Lava Lurks are an enemy found in the Volcano Dungeon.


The Lava Lurk swims in lava, then pops its head out and shoots 4 fireballs that deal damage. A fireball can be destroyed by hitting it with a weapon. Players can hit a Lava Lurk when its head is visible, but not when it's swimming under lava. A Lava Lurk can deal direct damage if the player stands next to it.

Unlike all other enemies, loot dropped when a Lava Lurk is killed go directly into the player's inventory, regardless of the player's distance. However, if inventory is full, loot will be dropped on the ground and may fall into lava.


This creature may have been inspired by the Blargg from the Super Mario franchise.


  • 1.5: 추가됨.