
Stardew Valley Wiki
Margotbean (토론 | 기여)님의 2024년 7월 8일 (월) 17:31 판 (update)
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Robin building.png
기다려봐, 아직 할 일이 많아.
— 로빈

불완전한 번역

이 기사 또는 섹션은 한국어로 완전히 번역되지 않았습니다. 편집하여 번역하는 데 도움을 주시면 대단히 감사하겠습니다!
2024-07-08 17:31:57 Margotbean에 의해 마지막으로 편집됨.

안녕하세요, 위키에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 저희는 여러분이 이곳에서 즐거운 시간을 보내시길 바랍니다. 그런 의미에서 다음은 도움이 되길 바라는 '해야 할 일'과 '하지 말아야 할 일'의 목록입니다. 대부분의 항목은 가장 자주 발생하는 혼동이나 오류의 일반적인 원인을 기반으로 작성되었습니다.

이 목록은 전체 규칙 목록이 아니라 스타듀 밸리 공식 위키에서 사용되는 일반적인 습관과 규칙을 전달하기 위한 노력이라는 점에 유의하시기 바랍니다.

스타듀 밸리 위키란 무엇인가요

  • 이곳은 스타듀 밸리의 커뮤니티가 아닌 온라인 백과사전입니다. 친목 또는 게임과 관련된 질문들은 공식 포럼, 서브레딧, 또는 디스코드 서버.
  • 이곳은 위키피디아가 아닙니다. 위키피디아의 관례나 규칙은 이곳에서 적용되지 않을 수 있습니다.
  • 이곳은 다른 게임의 위키가 아닙니다. 다른 게임 위키들의 규칙들 또한 적용되지 않을 수 있습니다.
  • (본인의 프로필 페이지를 포함하는) 이 위키를 개인 기록용으로 사용하지 말아주세요. 스타듀 밸리 위키의 관리자들은 당신이 이룬 모든 것에 대한 편집을 검토하고 싶지 않습니다.

신규 편집자 규제

신규 유저들은 문서를 대대적으로 편집하거나 하이퍼링크를 추가할 수 없습니다. 이는 스팸이나 반달 행위를 막기 위함입니다. 이로 인해 대규모 편집이 저장되지 않는다면, 더 이상 신규 유저로 분류되지 않을 때까지 중간 중간 저장하며 작은 편집들을 가해 주세요. 편집 내용이 유실되지 않도록 별도로 저장해 두시는 것이 좋습니다.

보호된 페이지

일부 페이지는 편집으로부터 보호됩니다. 이러한 페이지들은 상단에 "편집" 링크 대신 "원본 보기" 링크가 있습니다. 당신은 상단에 있는 "토론" 링크를 클릭하여 문구를 작성함으로써 보호된 페이지에 수정 의견을 간접적으로 제시할 수 있습니다.

토론 페이지

"논의 페이지"로도 알려져 있는 이곳은 페이지의 상단에 있는 "토론" 링크를 클릭하여 들어갈 수 있습니다. 토론 페이지는 내용 또는 서식에 관한 대규모 편집을 제안하거나, 질문을 올리는 공간입니다. 토론 페이지에 글을 작성한 후 물결 4개~~~~를 통해 사인해 주십시오. 그것은 자동으로 당신의 이름과 날짜/시각을 글에 추가해줄 것입니다.


  • Use the Show preview button before saving edits. Look for redlinks, formatting glitches, missing table cells, etc. and fix them before saving the edit.
  • Provide a code reference when removing or changing existing information. (For more information about formatting references, see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Cite/ko.)
  • Discuss large scale changes before making them. Large changes to the 한국어 wiki must be carried out in 11 other languages. The time and effort required to implement the changes must be taken into account before the changes are made.
  • For new pages that lack complete information, especially those related to new content, it's a good idea to place {{Stub}} at the top of the page.
  • When updating a page after a game update, please add a "History" section to the page, or add to the existing "History" section. Example: {{History|1.6|Introduced.}}
  • When making edits, please try to remember to edit all affected pages. For example, a change to Spice Berry may affect that page, the Spring Seeds page, Foraging, and Crafting.
    • Ensure that similar pages read the same. For example, don't change the wording about the profitability of Spicy Eel without changing the wording of all profitable recipes.
  • Don't edit the Crops or seasons pages to add additional calculations of profit, ROI (return on investment), ROE (return on equity), or any other way to calculate gold per day. This issue has been discussed and debated for years, with multiple ways to display profit. The debate is over; if you wish to share your personal preference for calculating profit, create your own web page or post a link to a google spreadsheet on the official forums. There's a thread specifically for "Guides & Resources".

Writing Style

Use an encyclopedic style with a formal tone instead of essay-like, instructive, or opinionated writing. Wiki articles should have a straightforward, just-the-facts style. The goal is to present the facts, and let the reader decide how to use them. Ideally all information should be cited using references and verifiable by anyone, particularly those with access to the game's data files and/or game code.

Major vs. Minor Edits

Major edits change the meaning of an article, even if the edit is a single word. Minor edits do not change the meaning of an article, and consist of things like typo corrections and rearranging existing text. Both types of edits are valuable, and marking an edit as "minor" does not mean it isn't important!

If you've made a minor edit and checked the "minor edit" box, then proceed to make a major edit, please ensure the box is unchecked.


Discuss formatting changes before making them. Explain what you feel is wrong with existing formatting, and how it could be improved.

Be mindful of the fact that the wiki exists in 12 languages, and changes to the formatting of the 한국어 wiki must be carried out in the other 11 languages.

Version 1.6

Editing & Formatting

Please note that new content added with version 1.6 does not require discussion first! Please add new information as it is discovered after the release of v1.6. Formatting of new content does not require discussion either. Please attempt to keep new content looking cohesive with existing content!

Remember to add {{Spoiler}} to pages and sections with heavy spoilers. Not every new change will require a spoiler tag. Examples of changes that do not require a spoiler tag: price adjustments, changes in percent chances to obtain an item, and changed gift preferences.

Please be sure to add to the "History" section for changed items. Thank you!


For information about the wiki markup used to add images to pages, see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Images/ko.

  • Please upload only Stardew-related images that will be used in the main or modding namespaces, not your user space. Avatars can be used on the official forums, subreddit, or discord server.
  • Upload high-quality images using the smallest file size possible.
    • Use the game's "screenshot" feature, or use 스크린샷 모드 (F4) to remove the inventory bar and season/day/time display, unless it is relevant to the image.
    • Don't use the .jpg format for images containing transparency. Instead, use .png for static images and .gif for animated images. For large images, such as screenshots of an entire map area, .jpg format usually gives the smallest file size with good quality.
  • When uploading a new version of an existing file, try to use the same file format as the existing image, even if the file size is large.
    • When uploading a new version of an existing image, it may take several hours for the new image to display on the wiki. This is a transient problem that keeps recurring, despite several fixes. If this happens, the only thing you can do is wait.
  • When uploading non-English versions of existing images, please use the existing file name and append the 2-letter language code in capital letters to the end.
    • Example: File:Bundle Purchase.png. When uploading the German version, name the file File:Bundle Purchase DE.png. The full list of language codes is: DE (German), ES (Spanish), FR (French), IT (Italian), JA (Japanese), KO (Korean), HU (Hungarian), PT (Brazilian Portuguese), RU (Russian), TR (Turkish), and ZH (Chinese).


Report game bugs on the official forums first, and not the wiki. The developer team does not monitor the wiki for bugs, but they do monitor the forums.

  • If you have made a bug report on the forums that includes the platform, version, and language where the bug happened, then feel free to add the bug to a "Bugs", "Glitches", or "Exploits" section of the relevant page(s). Feel free to create the section if it does not already exist.


The English-language wiki usually contains the most current information about the game. When updating pages, please refer to the English wiki.

  • Please be familiar with the game, and the words used in-game. Please use the words used in the game on the wiki.
    • For example, in Turkish there are two words for 가을: sonbahar and güz. The game uses guz exclusively, so the wiki should use güz exclusively.
  • If you find bad translations, please report them on the official forums. There are separate threads for each language.
    • Until the translation is fixed, use the (incorrect) in-game name of the item. It's perfectly acceptable to add a "Notes" section to the page explaining why the translation is bad.
  • Template names (and many of their parameters) must be in English. Examples:
    • {{Prezzo|120}} will cause a red link, which indicates an error.
    • {{Nome|Blobfish}} will cause a similar red link.
    • {{Name|澄んだスープ}} will cause a red link wherever it is placed, and an error at the bottom of the page.
    The correct format for these examples are:
    • {{Price|120}}
    • {{Name|Blobfish}}
    • {{Name|Pale Broth}}.
    These will automatically be translated into the native language. (Try it and see! Use that "Show preview" button!)
  • Don't delete formatting that you don't understand. This includes internal and external links. If [[동물#생산|동물성 제품]] looks like gibberish to you, you should probably leave it alone and research mediawiki syntax first.
    • Feel free to translate around the confusing formatting. That is, translate what you know, and leave what you don't understand.
  • Do not use online translators. Online translations may aid in communication between editors, but they are not reliable enough for translating wiki text.
  • When creating new pages copied from English, please delete the appropriate link at the bottom of the page and add a link to the English wiki. For example, if copying the Beer page from English to Japanese, remove [[ja:ビール]] and add [[en:Beer]]. Please keep these inter-language links in the following order: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, ko, hu, pt, ru, tr, zh.


Template changes MUST BE DISCUSSED before being implemented. Template formatting and content should be kept consistent across all 12 language wikis. There are two exceptions to this rule:

  1. Discussion is not required to translate terms used in templates copied from the English wiki.
  2. Addition of new or existing items to 틀:Name, 틀:Description, and templates whose name starts with "틀:Navbox" can generally be made without discussion.

Note that when translating Navbox templates, any major formatting changes should be discussed before being made.

More Info

For information about wiki markup and formatting, see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki.

Thanks for reading, and happy farming!