꽃 씨앗 모음

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Margotbean (토론 | 기여)님의 2024년 12월 14일 (토) 17:38 판
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꽃 씨앗 모음
Mixed Flower Seeds.png
꽃 씨앗이 섞여있습니다. 심어보고 무엇이 자라는지 봅시다!
작물: 다양
성장 시간: 다양

Spring.png Summer.png여름 Fall.png가을

판매가격: data-sort-value="0">Gold.png0골드
Pierre Icon.png 잡화점: 비매품
Morris Icon.png 조자마트: 비매품
Traveling Cart Icon.png 여행 카트: 비매품
Robin building.png
기다려봐, 아직 할 일이 많아.
— 로빈

불완전한 번역

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2024-12-14 17:38:02 Margotbean에 의해 마지막으로 편집됨.

Mixed Flower Seeds are seeds capable of producing a specific set of crops (listed below). The specific crop that grows from one Mixed Flower Seed is randomly chosen when it is planted. The choice is normally limited to crops of the current season, even indoors in the Greenhouse and in the Garden Pot. Mixed Flower Seeds cannot be planted outside in winter. If they are planted indoors in winter, then the type of crop is randomly chosen from crops of all seasons. Mixed Flower Seeds planted on Ginger Island will always produce summer crops.


List of Seeds

Mixed Flower Seeds will turn into the following seeds upon planting.

Season Seeds
Spring Tulip Bulb.png 튤립 구근Jazz Seeds.png 재즈 씨앗
Summer Sunflower Seeds.png 해바라기 씨앗Spangle Seeds.png 여름별꽃 씨앗Poppy Seeds.png 양귀비 씨앗
Fall Sunflower Seeds.png 해바라기 씨앗Fairy Seeds.png 요정장미 씨앗
Winter Any of the above (Greenhouse and indoor Garden Pot only).
Ginger Island Sunflower Seeds.png 해바라기 씨앗Spangle Seeds.png 여름별꽃 씨앗Poppy Seeds.png 양귀비 씨앗


마을 주민 반응

싫어함 Gus Icon.png 거스Demetrius Icon.png 드미트리우스Dwarf Icon.png 드워프Linus Icon.png 라이너스Leah Icon.png 레아Leo Icon.png 레오Robin Icon.png 로빈Lewis Icon.png 루이스Marnie Icon.png 마니Maru Icon.png 마루Wizard Icon.png 마법사Vincent Icon.png 빈센트Sandy Icon.png 샌디Sam Icon.png Sebastian Icon.png 세바스찬Shane Icon.png 셰인Alex Icon.png 알렉스Abigail Icon.png 애비게일Emily Icon.png 에밀리Evelyn Icon.png 에블린Elliott Icon.png 엘리엇Willy Icon.png 윌리Jas Icon.png 재스Jodi Icon.png 조디George Icon.png 조지Caroline Icon.png 캐롤라인Kent Icon.png 켄트Krobus Icon.png 크로버스Clint Icon.png 클린트Pam Icon.png Penny Icon.png 페니Pierre Icon.png 피에르Harvey Icon.png 하비Haley Icon.png 헤일리


  1. See Object::cutWeed in the game code.
  2. See Utility::getTreasureFromGeode in the game code.
  3. See PrizeTicketMenu::getPrizeItem in the game code.


  • 1.6: Introduced.