주니모 카트
불완전한 번역 이 기사 또는 섹션은 한국어로 완전히 번역되지 않았습니다.
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주니모 카트는 주점에서 플레이 할 수 있는 게임입니다. 주니모 카트는 처음에 잠겨있고 플레이하기 위해서 해골 열쇠가 필요합니다. "스토리 모드"의 6개 레벨을 모두 완료하면 다음 날에 주니모 카트 게임기가 우편으로 발송됩니다. In the game, the player plays as a Junimo in a cart moving to the right side of the screen. The only control they have over the cart is jumping, with the left mouse button, space bar, or x. Holding down the left mouse button, the space bar, or x will make the cart jump higher. Pressing p will pause the game. Along the way, gaps, railway ends, and other level-specific obstacles will be encountered, which must be avoided by jumping. Not jumping at the right time or falling through a gap will result in losing a life. There are two modes in the game: Progress Mode and Endless Mode.
스토리 모드
In Progress Mode, the player starts with 3 extra lives. When all lives are lost, the run will end. After completing a stage, lives will be replenished up to a minimum of 3. Collecting 100 coins will also grant an extra life. Each level also has three pieces of fruit: Cherries, Orange, and Grapes. Each is worth 10 coins, and completing a level after having collected all three pieces of fruit grants another extra life (if the player finishes the level with fewer than 3 lives, this extra life is granted after their lives are replenished to 3). After finishing 6 levels, the game ends.
무한 모드
무한 모드에서 플레이어의 생명은 단 하나뿐입니다. 죽으면 게임이 종료됩니다. 숫자 점수는 플레이 중에 계산되며, 레벨을 이동하고 완료하여 얻은 점수로 표시됩니다. 플레이어가 이동하는 거리마다 10점을 추가합니다. 동전을 모으면 40점을 얻고, 과일 3개 중 하나를 모으면 1,000점을 얻습니다. 레벨을 완료하면 5,000점이 주어지며, 세 가지 과일을 모두 수집하면 그 레벨이 끝났을 때 추가로 5,000점을 받습니다. 이 모드에서는 8개 레벨을 모두 순서대로 플레이하게 됩니다("???" 제외 모두). 이 모드에서 마지막 레벨을 완료하면 첫 번째 레벨부터 반복됩니다.
무한 모드는 미스터 치의 특별 주문"Let's Play A Game" 에 이용됩니다. 플레이어는 7일의 기간 안에 50,000점을 달성해야 합니다. 보상은 치 보석 10개입니다.
Some levels reuse existing background music, while others have songs composed specifically for them. 몇몇 레벨은 기존의 배경음악을 재사용했지만, 따로 제작된 음악을 사용하는 레벨도 있습니다.
흔들흔들 동굴
(Music: Mines (Crystal Bells), Mines (A Flicker In The Deep), or Mines (Star Lumpy) at random)
The first level is relatively straightforward; there's the occasional falling boulder to worry about, but otherwise, just focus on jumping and grabbing coins/fruit. Make sure to land on top of an obstacle if it cannot be avoided, because that would result in destroying it. Crumble Cavern is also the first level in Endless Mode.
미끌미끌 언덕
(음악: Mines (Icicles), Mines (Marimba Of Frozen Bones), 혹은 Mines (Cloth) 무작위로) 두 번째 레벨은 타이틀 화면에서 볼 수 있듯이, 아래로 향하는 슬로프와 사이를 점프해서 넘어야 하는 위로 향하는 슬로프가 많이 있습니다. 슬로프를 미끄러져 내려오면 속도가 더 빨라지고 점프 시간이 길어지며 익숙해지는 데 시간이 걸릴 수 있습니다. 60초 이내에 이 레벨을 완료하면 보석 바다의 거인과 쿵쿵대는 슬롬프를 건너뛰고 곧바로 섬뜩한 갈레온 스테이지로 이동하게 됩니다. 미끌미끌 언덕은 무한 모드의 두 번째 레벨입니다.
(Music: No music, just wind ambience)
This alternate second level has an empty preview screen with a title "???". The path to this level is indicated by dots on the level map, and occurs at the wooden bridge between the rocky and ice areas. To reach this stage, clear "Crumble Cavern" without losing any lives and collecting all coins and fruit. The scenery is that of a dark cave covered in stalagmites and stalactites with a water floor. With no unique obstacles or boulders, clearing this level should be no extra challenge. This level does however contain a huge amount of coins, so try to collect as many extra lives as possible.
보석 바다의 거인
(Music: Junimo Kart (The Gem Sea Giant))
The third level takes place underwater, resulting in slower falls. In addition, there's a large whale on the right side of the screen that periodically spews bubbles, which (like all hazards) are fatal upon impact unless the player lands on top of them, which causes the player to bounce a fair distance into the air. Collecting coins/fruit may be difficult, if not impossible, without jumping off the top of bubbles to reach high-up rails. The Gem Sea Giant is also the third level in Endless Mode.
쿵쿵대는 슬롬프
(Music: Junimo Kart (Slomp's Stomp))
This alternate third level is chosen at random. It's somewhat of an inversion of Slippery Slopes, as each upward slope is sticky and slows the player down. Slowing down is bad, as a giant bouncing slime persistently chases the player from behind throughout the level, leaping along tracks and pits. Upon contact, it will deplete one of the player's lives if they slow down too much. Slomp's Stomp is the fifth level in Endless Mode.
섬뜩한 갈레온
(음악: Junimo Kart (Ghastly Galleon))
네 번째 레벨에서는 플레이어가 더 빠르게 움직입니다. 즉, 점프 거리가 더 길어지고 플레이어가 상황에 반응할 시간이 줄어듭니다. 이 레벨에는 뛰어넘어야 할 간격이 크고 착지할 수 있는 좁은 구역들이 있습니다. 또한 원형 패턴으로 움직이며 닿으면 죽는 유령도 있습니다. 스토리 모드에서 레벨을 완료하면 빛버섯 동굴과 레드 핫 롤러코스터가 각각 50%의 확률로 다음 스테이지로 선택됩니다. 섬뜩한 갈레온은 무한 모드의 네 번째 레벨입니다.
빛버섯 동굴
(Music: Junimo Kart (Glowshroom Grotto))
This level has pairs of giant purple mushrooms; riding on one causes it to lower and the other to raise upwards. How long the player spends on the mushrooms must be timed precisely to successfully reach the next rail. There are occasional smaller red mushrooms placed onto the rails that shoot slow-moving spore cloud projectiles upwards; carefully jump through a gap in the pattern to avoid dying. There are also smaller purple mushrooms that can be bounced off of, similar to boulders and bubbles. Glowshroom Grotto is the sixth level in Endless Mode.
레드 핫 롤러코스터
(음악: 광산(위험))
This alternate fifth level has, as the title screen suggests, lots of adjacent diagonal ramps, leading to potential confusion on where the player should jump from. There are also randomly generated falling boulders, like Crumble Cavern. It also has a tendency towards stretches of mostly empty space scattered with short sections of rail, requiring constant jumping to safely make it across. Red Hot Rollercoaster is the seventh level in Endless Mode.
저녁노을 경주로
(음악 대신 밤 효과음이 재생됩니다)
The final level is full of short rails at widely scattered heights, making it very easy to slip off. Sunset Speedway is the eighth level in Endless Mode before transitioning back to Crumble Caverns upon completion.
Junimo Kart Prior to Version 1.4
- On the title screen of Endless Mode, there is a leaderboard with scores from some of the game's Villagers. Mayor Lewis appears to have the highest score. The player's scores will be added to the leaderboard if they are high enough.
- Junimo Kart may be a reference to the Nintendo game Mario Kart.