"결혼"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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태그: 모바일 편집 모바일 웹 편집
71번째 줄: 71번째 줄:
하트가 13/12 개가 되면 배우자의 사랑의 표시로 무작위한 때에 [[별방울]]받을 수 있습니다. [[멀티플레이]] 게임에서는 서로 결혼한 두 플레이어가 아침에 일어날 때 침대 옆에 별방울이 선물로 들어있는 작은 보라색 상자가 나타납니다.
하트가 13/12 개가 되면 배우자의 사랑의 표시로 무작위한 때에 [[별방울]] 한 개를 받을 수 있습니다. [[멀티플레이]] 게임에서는 서로 결혼한 두 플레이어가 아침에 일어날 때 침대 옆에 별방울이 선물로 들어있는 작은 보라색 상자가 나타납니다.
===배우자의 방===
===배우자의 방===

2019년 5월 21일 (화) 02:02 판

Robin building.png
기다려봐, 아직 할 일이 많아.
— 로빈

불완전한 번역

이 기사 또는 섹션은 한국어로 완전히 번역되지 않았습니다. 편집하여 번역하는 데 도움을 주시면 대단히 감사하겠습니다!
2019-05-21 02:02:23 PA에 의해 마지막으로 편집됨.

Wedding ceremony with Abigail

싱글플레이에서 결혼은 Social 탭에 "single"이라고 표기 되어있는 마을 사람과만 가능합니다. For marriage between players in a Multiplayer game, see Multiplayer and Wedding Ring.

결혼을 제안하려면 당신이 원하는 파트너와 우정의 하트 10개를 만들어야하고, 그에게 선물할 부케이 필요합니다. 그리고 당신은 엘리엇의 통나무집 동쪽에 있는 다리를 수리(비용은 나무 300개)하고 농가를 적어도 한 번 정도 농가 업그레이드 해야합니다.

도서관의 잃어버린 책들 중에 "농부를 위한 결혼 가이드"라는 제목으로 설명 된 것이 있습니다.

“누군가에게 청혼을 하기 전에, 연애 기간이 필요합니다 (피에르네서 부케를 사서 연애 신청을 합시다).

청혼을 할 준비가 되었다면, '인어의 펜던트'를 줘야 해요. 이걸 선물한다는 게 어떤 의미인지 모두 알고 있습니다.

폭풍우가 치는 날, 스타듀 밸리에 늙은 선원의 유령이 이런 펜던트를 쥐고 출몰한다는 소문이 있지요.

결혼식 후에, 배우자가 당신과 함께 살기 시작할 것입니다. 꼭 서로 잘 챙겨주면서 지내세요... 결혼을 한 후에도 선물은 여전히 기쁜 일입니다!

(피에르의 의뢰로 제작)”
— 농부를 위한 결혼 가이드

결혼 가능한 사람들

미혼 남성

미혼 여성


연애는 상대의 하트 8개를 모아야만 가능하다 (where friendship levels freeze for marriage candidates).


The morning after you first reach 8 hearts with a marriage candidate, Pierre will mail you a message to let you know about the bouquet (data-sort-value="200">Gold.png200골드 at Pierre's General Store):

“It seems like you're starting to get close with some of the townspeople. If you want to show someone that you're romantically interested, you've got to give them one of my beautiful flower bouquets. I'm selling them now, for a very fair price! If you want to start a family someday, this is the first step!”
— Pierre

Giving the bouquet unfreezes the friendship level with that bachelor or bachelorette, allowing friendship to advance. Upon accepting the bouquet, their Social tab status also changes to "boyfriend" or "girlfriend". The bouquet can be given repeatedly (even multiple times in one day) to any candidate, to increase friendship level. It can also be given to multiple candidates, without regard to gender. There is no friendship penalty for giving bouquets to dating rivals, though there is a Group Heart event that may cause all girl/boyfriends to give you the "cold shoulder" for a week.

Proposing Marriage

The day after reaching 10 friendship hearts with a marriage candidate, you will get a letter from Mayor Lewis:

“I'm going to give you this advice because I like you and I want you to stay in Pelican Town. If there comes a day that you want to ask for someone's hand in marriage, you'll need to give them a 'Mermaid's Pendant'. Don't worry, everyone in Pelican Town understands the significance of the amulet. It's an ancient tradition in this region. Good luck!”
— Lewis

To become engaged, present a Mermaid's Pendant to your intended partner. You will need to buy it for data-sort-value="5000">Gold.png5,000골드 from the Old Mariner. You can find him on rainy days at the tidal pools on the beach (across the bridge you repaired). During Winter, it does not rain, so he will not appear unless you use a Rain Totem. He will not sell the pendant unless your farmhouse has been upgraded and you are at 10 hearts with an eligible villager.


The weather icon is replaced with a heart on the wedding day.

The wedding ceremony takes place in the morning, 3 days after you propose. That is, if you propose on Monday the 1st, the marriage cutscene will take place as soon as you wake up on Thursday the 4th. When the ceremony is completed, you and your spouse appear at the farmhouse at 6am (on the porch, or if you have restarted or reloaded the game day, inside the house). The day then proceeds as it normally does when you are married. Friendship with your spouse can now rise to the (hidden) level of 13 hearts, but decays by 20 points per day whenever there is no contact between you two.

The wedding ceremony does not take place on a day that another event takes place in the town square. In such cases, the wedding is delayed until there is a day without such an event.

On the day of the wedding, the weather icon that appears between the date and time is replaced with a heart.

결혼 생활

Once a villager has been married, they will move into the farmhouse. They will have a maximum of 12 hearts instead of 10, and keeping them happy will result in them helping around the farm. A happy spouse might make breakfast, feed animals, repair fences or water crops. They occasionally change the wallpaper or flooring of the Farmhouse. Interacting with your spouse when no dialogue is available will result in an embrace.

Spouse relationship meter KO.png

Giving gifts to other eligible bachelors/bachelorettes may result in your spouse becoming jealous. This can also happen when you are engaged, and not yet married. It is also possible to have children under certain circumstances.

Once married, the gifting limit of twice a week is removed, however the once a day limit still applies.

Spouse Chores

  • 농장의 모든 농작물에 물을 줍니다(, 여름, 그리고 가을에).
  • 모든 동물에게 먹이를 줍니다.
  • 개/고양이의 물그릇에 물을 줍니다.
  • 부숴진 울타리를 고쳐줍니다.
  • 아침과 저녁식사도 포함해 선물을 줍니다. (인벤토리가 꽉 차있으면 받을 수 없습니다.)


하트가 13/12 개가 되면 배우자의 사랑의 표시로 무작위한 때에 별방울 한 개를 받을 수 있습니다. 멀티플레이 게임에서는 서로 결혼한 두 플레이어가 아침에 일어날 때 침대 옆에 별방울이 선물로 들어있는 작은 보라색 상자가 나타납니다.

배우자의 방

Once married, the player's spouse will immediately set up a unique room inside the Farmhouse, located to the right of the bedroom. 1000px

배우자의 바깥 공간

In addition to their room inside the house, each spouse has a unique area behind the farmhouse.

하프 파이프에서 스케이트보드 기술을 한다.


마루 도구로 일한다.


애비게일 플루트를 분다.


레아 조각품을 깎는다..

Leah Sculpture.jpg

세바스찬 오토바이를 수리한다.

Sebastian Bike.png

알렉스 역기를 든다.

Alex Workout Area.jpg

페니, 하비, 그리고 엘리엇은 화분이 있는 정원에서 책을 읽는다.

Penny, harvey. elliot.png

에밀리 크리스탈 정원에서 명상한다.

Emily's crystal garden.PNG

헤일리 화분에 심은 나무 사이에서 사진을 찍는다.

Haley between 2 palms.png

셰인 그의 닭 찰리도와 함께 닭장 옆에 서있는다.

Shane and charly.png


탈진 상태에서 배우자와 키스하면 에너지가 돌아온다. 하지만 이건 하루에 처음한 키스만 해당 된다.

Messy House

If an object is obstructing the path your spouse takes in the farmhouse, they will say "You could have cleaned up in here a little while I was gone... It's not very nice to have to wade through a bunch of junk after a hard day's work."


If you give a gift to one of the other marriage candidates when you are already married, there is a chance that your spouse will become jealous. This only happens if the villager receiving the gift is the same sex as your spouse - i.e., if you married a bachelor, it only happens if you give a gift to another bachelor. It doesn't matter if the gift is liked or not, the only gift that is safe to give is a birthday gift. (Note that delivery quests do not count as gifts.) The chance that your spouse becomes jealous is between 20 and 40%, depending on daily luck. If your spouse becomes jealous, you get a 30 friendship point penalty, and the next time you speak to your spouse they will give an angry message mentioning your gift.[1]


See 아이


Players can visit the Mayor's Manor where a small book inside will give them the option to divorce their spouse. A divorce costs data-sort-value="50000">Gold.png50,000골드. After filing for divorce, players have the option to cancel before the end of the day (until 10pm when Lewis' house closes). If they don't cancel, their spouse, spouse's room, and unique outside area will be gone the next morning, and their friendship level will return to 0 hearts. Under their name it will state "(ex)".

After the divorce, the spouse will move back to their old residence, and will have negative interactions with the player, citing the failure of their marriage. They will also not accept any gifts from the player. (Note that the player can still enter the ex-spouse's bedroom or home, as if the player had 2 friendship hearts with the ex-spouse.) Any children from the marriage will stay at the farmhouse.

Players can visit the Witch's Hut in late game where they'll find a shrine which can erase all ex-spouses' memories for an offering of data-sort-value="30000">Gold.png30,000골드. Afterward, all ex-spouses will have no memory of the previous marriage, allowing players to date and remarry them if they choose.

Children from marriage can also be 'turned into doves' at the Witch's Hut in exchange for a Prismatic Shard. This permanently removes children from the game.

If the player is expecting a child and gets a divorce, the child will not be born/delivered.


  • 가끔 하룻밤 사이에 배우자의 하트가 2로 떨어지기도 하는데 이유를 알 수가 없다.


  • 1.0: Introduced.
  • 1.1: Added Shane and Emily as marriage candidates. Added divorce. Added different outside areas for each spouse.


  1. See NPC::tryToReceiveActiveObject() in the game code