"클린트"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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2021년 7월 30일 (금) 19:33 판


생일 Winter.png겨울 26
집 위치 펠리컨 마을
주소 대장간
결혼 No
좋아하는 선물 Amethyst.png 자수정Aquamarine.png 아쿠아마린Artichoke Dip.png 아티초크 소스Emerald.png 에메랄드Fiddlehead Risotto.png 청나래고사리 리조또Gold Bar.png 금 주괴Iridium Bar.png 이리듐 주괴Jade.png Omni Geode.png 전 정동석Ruby.png 루비Topaz.png 토파즈
Robin building.png
기다려봐, 아직 할 일이 많아.
— 로빈

불완전한 번역

이 기사 또는 섹션은 한국어로 완전히 번역되지 않았습니다. 편집하여 번역하는 데 도움을 주시면 대단히 감사하겠습니다!
2021-07-30 19:33:53 Margotbean에 의해 마지막으로 편집됨.

“It's nicer to work outdoors than by a hot furnace all day. I'm only a blacksmith because my father pushed me into it.”
— Clint

Clint is a villager who lives in Pelican Town. He owns and runs the local Blacksmith.


Clint is unavailable for shopping, tool upgrades, or geode processing on Fridays after the Community Center is restored, unless it is raining.

Winter 15
8:50 AM Behind the counter of the Blacksmith.
5:00 PM Leaves the Blacksmith to attend the Night Market.
12:00 AM Returns to the Blacksmith to sleep.
Winter 16
9:00 AM Behind the counter of the Blacksmith.
10:30 AM Leaves the Blacksmith to go to the waiting room of Harvey's Clinic.
1:30 PM Moves to the left examination room in the Clinic.
4:00 PM Leaves the Clinic for The Saloon.
12:00 AM Returns home to sleep.
9:00 AM Behind the counter of the Blacksmith.
5:00 PM Moves to work on the anvil.
7:00 PM Heads to The Saloon.
12:00 AM Returns home to sleep.
Friday (Community Center Restored)
8:50 AM Leaves home, heads to the Community Center Boiler Room.
5:00 PM Leaves the Community Center and heads to The Saloon.
12:00 AM Returns home to sleep.
Regular Schedule
9:00 AM Behind the counter of the Blacksmith.
5:00 PM Moves to work on the anvil.
7:00 PM Heads to The Saloon.
12:00 AM Returns home to sleep.


Clint often visits the saloon in order to socialize with Emily, who he has a crush on but is nervous to approach. A dialogue with Gus indicates that he suspects Clint's crush but has decided to not ask him about it. A note found in Clint's bedroom confirms his feelings, reading:

“Dear Emily,

I know you only think of me as a friend.

It's my fault. I'm too shy. I'll never have the courage to tell you the truth.

That's why I'm writing this letter to myself that I'll certainly crumple up and toss in the corner.”


주요 문서‎: 보편적인 선물
참고: 모든 선물 목록

플레이어는 클린트에게 일주일에 두 번 (그의 생일날 제외) 선물을 줄 수 있으며, 그것은 그와 플레이어와의 우정 포인트를 증가 또는 감소시킵니다. 그의 생일(Winter.png겨울 26)에 선물을 주면 8배의 효과를 내며, 특정한 대사를 출력합니다.
사랑하거나 좋아하는 선물에는,

“내 생일 기억한 거야? 감동받았어. 고마워.”
“오, 오늘 나 생일인가? 그런가 보네. 고마워. 마음에 들어.”

평범한 선물에는,

“생일선물이야? 고마워.”

싫어하거나 혐오하는 선물에는,

“내 생일인데 이런 걸 준다고? 무슨 농담이야 이건?”


“Yes! This is exactly what I've been looking for!”
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Clint Happy.png
Amethyst 보랏빛이 나는 석영. Mining
Aquamarine 아른아른 빛나는 청록색 보석. Mining
Artichoke Dip.png
Artichoke Dip 시원하고 신선합니다. Cooking Artichoke.png 아티초크 (1)Milk.png 우유 (1)
Emerald 밝은 초록빛의 보석. Mining
Fiddlehead Risotto.png
Fiddlehead Risotto 기름에 데친 고사리와 함께 먹는 크리미한 쌀 요리. 약간 맛이 밋밋합니다. Cooking Oil.png 기름 (1)Fiddlehead Fern.png 청나래고사리 (1)Garlic.png 마늘 (1)
Gold Bar.png
Gold Bar 순수한 금 주괴 하나. Furnace Gold Ore.png 금광석 (5)Coal.png 석탄 (1)
Iridium Bar.png
Iridium Bar 순수한 이리듐 주괴 하나. Furnace Iridium Ore.png 이리듐광석 (5)Coal.png 석탄 (1)
Jade 연한 초록색의 장식용 돌. Mining
Omni Geode.png
Omni Geode 대장장이가 깨서 열어줄 수 있습니다. 이 정동석은 다양한 광물을 포함하고 있습니다. Mining
Ruby 진한 색과 아름다운 광택 덕에 많은 이들이 원하는 보석. Mining
Topaz 흔한 편이지만 아름다워서 값어치가 있습니다. Mining


“This is a fun gift. Thanks!”
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Copper Bar.png
Copper Bar 순수한 구리 주괴 하나. Furnace Copper Ore.png 구리광석 (5)Coal.png 석탄 (1)
Iron Bar.png
Iron Bar 순수한 철 주괴 하나. Furnace Iron Ore.png 철광석 (5)Coal.png 석탄 (1)


Image Name Description Source
Chanterelle 과일 향에 후추 맛이 약간 나는 맛있는 버섯. Foraging - Fall
Common Mushroom.png
Common Mushroom 살짝 견과 향이 나고 질감이 좋습니다. Foraging - Fall
Coal 제작과 제련 활동에 사용되는 불이 잘 붙는 돌. Mining
Daffodil 전형적인 봄꽃으로, 선물로도 좋습니다. Foraging - Spring
Dandelion 가장 예쁜 꽃은 아니지만, 잎으로 맛있는 샐러드를 만들 수 있습니다. Foraging - Spring
Ginger 강렬한 맛이 나는 이 뿌리는 활력증진에 도움이 된다 합니다. Foraging - Ginger Island
Gold Ore.png
Gold Ore 주괴로 제련할 수 있는 귀한 광석. Mining
Hazelnut 정말 큰 헤이즐넛입니다! Foraging - Fall
Iridium Ore.png
Iridium Ore 진기한 특성이 많은 이국적인 광석. 주괴로 제련할 수 있습니다. Mining
Leek 양파의 맛있는 친척. Foraging - Spring
Magma Cap.png
Magma Cap 마그마 근처에 서식하는 매우 희귀한 버섯. Foraging - Volcano Dungeon
Morel 견과류 향 때문에 인기가 좋은 버섯. Foraging - Spring
Purple Mushroom.png
Purple Mushroom 동굴 깊은 곳에서 발견되는 희귀한 버섯. Foraging - The Mines
Refined Quartz.png
Refined Quartz 좀 더 순수한 석영의 형태. Furnace
Snow Yam.png
Snow Yam 눈 밑에 숨어있던 작은 마. Foraging - Winter
Winter Root.png
Winter Root 탄수화물이 가득한 덩이줄기 식물. Foraging - Winter

*Note that Dinosaur Eggs are considered Artifacts and not Eggs for gifting purposes.


Image Name Description Source
Clint Concerned.png
Quartz 동굴이나 광산에서 주로 발견되는 투명한 수정. Foraging - The Mines
Salmonberry 숲의 풍미가 나는 봄철 베리. Foraging - Spring
Wild Horseradish.png
Wild Horseradish 봄에 볼 수 있는 매콤한 식물 뿌리 Foraging - Spring


“This makes me depressed.”
Image Name Description Source
Clint Annoyed.png
Holly 잎사귀와 밝은 붉은색 베리는 겨울철 장식으로 유명합니다. Foraging - Winter

영화 및 간식

주요 문서‎: 영화관
사랑하는 사람
좋아하는 사람
'Journey Of The Prairie King The Motion Picture'.png 대초원의 왕의 여정: 극장판

'Mysterium'.png 미스테리움

'It Howls In The Rain'.png 빗속의 울부짖음

'The Brave Little Sapling'.png 용감한 작고 어린 나무

'Wumbus'.png 웜버스

'Natural Wonders Exploring Our Vibrant World'.png 자연의 신비: 생기 넘치는 세상의 탐험

'The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch'.png 콜드스타 목장의 기적

싫어하는 사람
'The Zuzu City Express'.png 주주 시티 급행열차
사랑하는 사람 ConcessionLove.png
Fries.png 감자튀김
Stardrop Sorbet.png 별방울 소르베
싫어하는 사람 ConcessionDislike.png
Black Licorice.png 검은 감초 사탕
Apple Slices.png 사과 조각
Jasmine Tea.png 자스민 차
Joja Cola (large).png 조자 콜라
JojaCorn.png 조자콘
Kale Smoothie.png 케일 스무디
Panzanella Salad.png 팡젤넬라 샐러드
Hummus Snack Pack.png 후무스 스낵 모음
좋아하는 사람 ConcessionLike.png
다른 모든 간식

Heart Events


At any friendship level greater than zero friendship points, you may receive a gift in the mail from Clint. The chance of receiving a gift in the mail increases as your friendship with Clint increases.

Item Description
Copper Bar.png 구리 주괴Iron Bar.png 철 주괴Gold Bar.png 금 주괴 Um, Hello...

Sorry, I'm not good at writing letters. I made one metal bar too many, and I thought you might need it.

-Clint, the blacksmith

Three Hearts I

Three Hearts.png

Visit the saloon between 7pm and 11pm on a Monday.

Clint says he has terrible luck with women, and asks for your advice.
  • "Impress women with your strength and charm." (우정 +25) He responds, "Okay... I'll keep that in mind."
  • "Act crazy, to keep people guessing." (우정 +25) He responds, "Okay... I'll keep that in mind."
  • "Just act natural... be yourself." (우정에 영향을 미치지 않습니다) He responds, "That's the problem... I do act natural... but I never have any success."
  • "Treat women the same as men." (우정 +50) He responds, "Okay... I'll keep that in mind."

Emily walks over to take Clint's order. Clint panics: "Yes! (pause) Er.. I mean, I'll have the Big n' Cheesy. With extra sauce, please. (pause)" Emily greets you, and Clint continues: "Er... *ahem* Th...Thanks, Emily. For... taking my order. Um, Emily? I was...*gulp*... I was wondering... (pause)" Emily prompts him, but Clint gives up and says nevermind. Emily pauses as sad music plays, then moves away to take Shane's order. Emily and Shane chat easily, and Clint is crestfallen: "*sigh* I'm doomed..."

Three Hearts II

Three Hearts.png

Clint sends you a recipe in the mail.

Image Recipe Description
Algae Soup.png
Recipe Overlay.png
Algae Soup Well, I know a couple of recipes. I thought I'd send you one... maybe it'll help you mine more ore or something.

Take care.


Six Hearts

Six Hearts.png

Enter town from Cindersap Forest between 9am and 6:30pm. Only happens if you saw his three hearts event.
Note: This event will not trigger if you are married to Emily, or have seen her Eight Heart Event or Ten Heart event.

You find Clint watching Emily from the bushes. He says he was going to ask Emily out on a date, and got as far as her doorstep before he heard her coming and dove into the bushes. He says he's waiting for her to finish talking with Caroline so he can sneak back to his house. You threaten Clint with never upgrading your tools again if he doesn't ask her out, and he grudgingly agrees.

He approaches Emily and asks to speak to her privately. "I was wondering if you'd go w... with... tomorrow, me... *gulp* (pause) I've got two tickets for the Grampleton Carnival tomorrow. W... Would you go with me?" Emily says that sounds like fun and accepts; Clint responds that he'll pick her up tomorrow.

Clint is ecstatic and nervous. He thanks you for forcing him to finally ask her out.

Seven Hearts

Seven Hearts.png

Clint sends you a recipe in the mail.

Image Recipe Description
Bean Hotpot.png
Recipe Overlay.png
Bean Hotpot Well, I know a couple of recipes. I thought I'd send you one... maybe it'll help you mine more ore or something.

Take care.



  • "Forging Ahead": The morning after you collect your first Copper Ore, Clint will visit and give you the blueprints for crafting a Furnace.
  • "Clint's Attempt": Clint will send you a letter on the 6th of Winter asking that you give Emily an Amethyst and tell her it's from him. The reward is 1 Friendship heart with Emily.
  • "A Favor for Clint": Clint will send you a letter on the 17th of Winter asking you to bring him an Iron Bar. The reward is data-sort-value="500">Gold.png500골드 and 1 Friendship heart.
  • Clint may randomly request ores or coal at the "Help Wanted" board outside Pierre's General Store. The reward is an amount of gold that varies by requested item/amount.
    • Note that you do not need to have any ore/coal in inventory to finish the quest. Once the required items are gathered, simply talking to Clint will complete the quest. Handing him any amount of ore or coal will always result in gifting him one of them.
  • Clint may randomly request that you kill a certain number of Monsters or bring him a random item at the "Help Wanted" board. The reward for killing monsters is an amount of gold that varies by the type and number of monsters requested. The reward for item delivery is 3x the item's base value and 150 Friendship points.



  • According to a tape in a boombox in Clint's room, he is a fan of the blues.
  • As shown in the picture of him holding a Joja Cola, Clint has only four fingers on his hand.
  • Clint's 7 heart recipe is the Bean Hotpot, and Emily has a quote during Winter asking if the player knows how to cook that recipe. This hints that Clint has perhaps introduced her to the dish, or learned it for her.


  • 1.4: Fixed bug where all recipes would be sent at 3 friendship hearts. Fixed bug where 6 heart event wouldn't trigger if entering town on a horse. Removed ore gathering quest exploits.
  • 1.5: Added beach portraits.