"캐롤라인"의 두 판 사이의 차이

Stardew Valley Wiki
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(create page + translated and alphabetized movies & concessions)
365번째 줄: 365번째 줄:
!사랑하는 사람
|[[File:'Journey Of The Prairie King The Motion Picture'.png|24px|link=]] 대초원의 왕의 여정: 극장판
|[[File:'Journey Of The Prairie King The Motion Picture'.png|24px|link=]] 대초원의 왕의 여정: 극장판
<p>[[File:'The Brave Little Sapling'.png|24px|link=]] 용감한 작고 어린 나무</p>
<p>[[File:'The Brave Little Sapling'.png|24px|link=]] 용감한 작고 어린 나무</p>
!좋아하는 사람
|[[File:'Mysterium'.png|24px|link=]] 미스테리움
|[[File:'Mysterium'.png|24px|link=]] 미스테리움
378번째 줄: 378번째 줄:
[[File:'The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch'.png|24px|link=]] 콜드스타 목장의 기적
[[File:'The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch'.png|24px|link=]] 콜드스타 목장의 기적
!싫어하는 사람
|[[File:'Wumbus'.png|24px|link=]] 웜버스
|[[File:'Wumbus'.png|24px|link=]] 웜버스
387번째 줄: 387번째 줄:
!사랑하는 사람 [[File:ConcessionLove.png|24px|link=]]
!사랑함 [[File:ConcessionLove.png|24px|link=]]
|[[File:Stardrop Sorbet.png|24px|link=]] 별방울 소르베<br />[[File:Jasmine Tea.png|24px|link=]] 자스민 차<br />[[File:Truffle Popcorn.png|24px|link=]] 트러플 팝콘
|[[File:Stardrop Sorbet.png|24px|link=]] 별방울 소르베<br />[[File:Jasmine Tea.png|24px|link=]] 자스민 차<br />[[File:Truffle Popcorn.png|24px|link=]] 트러플 팝콘
!싫어하는 사람 [[File:ConcessionDislike.png|24px|link=]]
!싫어함 [[File:ConcessionDislike.png|24px|link=]]
|[[File:Personal Pizza.png|24px|link=]] 1인용 피자<br />[[File:Fries.png|24px|link=]] 감자튀김<br />[[File:Black Licorice.png|24px|link=]] 검은 감초 사탕<br />[[File:Nachos.png|24px|link=]] 나초<br />[[File:Jawbreaker.png|24px|link=]] 돌사탕<br />[[File:Sour Slimes.png|24px|link=]] 새콤 슬라임<br />[[File:Cotton Candy.png|24px|link=]] 솜사탕<br />[[File:Rock Candy.png|24px|link=]] 얼음 사탕<br />[[File:Joja Cola (large).png|24px|link=]] 조자 콜라<br />[[File:JojaCorn.png|24px|link=]] 조자콘
|[[File:Personal Pizza.png|24px|link=]] 1인용 피자<br />[[File:Fries.png|24px|link=]] 감자튀김<br />[[File:Black Licorice.png|24px|link=]] 검은 감초 사탕<br />[[File:Nachos.png|24px|link=]] 나초<br />[[File:Jawbreaker.png|24px|link=]] 돌사탕<br />[[File:Sour Slimes.png|24px|link=]] 새콤 슬라임<br />[[File:Cotton Candy.png|24px|link=]] 솜사탕<br />[[File:Rock Candy.png|24px|link=]] 얼음 사탕<br />[[File:Joja Cola (large).png|24px|link=]] 조자 콜라<br />[[File:JojaCorn.png|24px|link=]] 조자콘
!좋아하는 사람 [[File:ConcessionLike.png|24px|link=]]
!좋아함 [[File:ConcessionLike.png|24px|link=]]
|다른 모든 간식
|다른 모든 간식

2021년 7월 31일 (토) 13:29 판


생일 Winter.png겨울 7
집 위치 펠리컨 마을
주소 피에르네 잡화점

Pierre Icon.png 피에르 (Husband)

Abigail Icon.png 애비게일 (Daughter)

결혼 No
좋아하는 선물 Fish Taco.png 생선 타코Green Tea.png 녹차Summer Spangle.png 여름별꽃Tropical Curry.png 열대 카레
Robin building.png
기다려봐, 아직 할 일이 많아.
— 로빈

불완전한 번역

이 기사 또는 섹션은 한국어로 완전히 번역되지 않았습니다. 편집하여 번역하는 데 도움을 주시면 대단히 감사하겠습니다!
2021-07-31 13:29:51 Nybenavi에 의해 마지막으로 편집됨.

“My husband runs the general store here. And have you met my daughter, Abigail? She's the pale one with the purple hair.”
— Caroline

Caroline is a villager who lives in Pelican Town.


Shown below is Caroline's schedule, prioritized from the top down. For example, if it is raining, that schedule overrides all schedules below it.

Fall 25
8:00 am In the kitchen of Pierre's General Store.
10:00 am Leaves the kitchen, walks to her bedroom.
12:00 pm Walks to Harvey's Clinic and stands in waiting room.
1:30 pm Moves to the left examination room in Harvey's Clinic.
4:00 pm Returns home and stands in her living room.
9:00 pm Goes to bed.
Winter 16
8:00 am In the kitchen of Pierre's General Store.
12:00 pm Walks to an aisle of the general store.
1:30 pm Goes to stand in the town square.
4:00 pm Leaves the town square to attend the Night Market.
11:30 pm Leaves the Night Market to return home and sleep.
8:00 am In the kitchen of Pierre's General Store.
12:00 pm Walks to an aisle of the general store.
1:30 pm Walks to her bedroom and reads next to her bookcase.
4:00 pm Leaves bedroom to stand in the living room.
9:00 pm Goes to bed.
8:00 am In her living room, near the uppermost dresser.
10:30 am Moves more towards the middle of the living room.
1:00 pm Caroline exercises with the Aerobics class in her living room.
4:00 pm Aerobics class ends, she stands in the living room chatting.
6:10 pm Walks to kitchen and eats some cookies.
9:00 pm Goes to bed
8:00 am In the kitchen of Pierre's General Store.
10:00 am In her sunroom, near her tea sapling.
12:00 pm Walks to the fountain to the left of the Community Center.
5:00 pm Returns home and stands in her living room.
9:00 pm Goes to bed.
8:00 am In the kitchen of Pierre's General Store.
10:00 am In her sunroom, near her tea sapling.
12:00 pm Goes to the Museum to read between some bookshelves.
5:00 pm Returns home and stands in her living room.
9:00 pm Goes to bed.
Saturday, Community Center restored
8:00 am In the kitchen of Pierre's General Store.
11:00 am Walks to Community Center and stands in the reading area in the main room.
5:00 pm Returns home and stands in her living room.
9:00 pm Goes to bed.
9:00 am Stands in her bedroom.
10:40 am Moves one space over to stand in front of her bookshelf.
1:30 pm Walks to an aisle of the general store.
2:40 pm Leaves home to stand below the tree south of the Community Center.
6:30 pm Returns home to stand in her bedroom.
9:00 pm Goes to bed.
Regular Schedule
8:00 am In the kitchen of Pierre's General Store.
10:00 am In her sunroom, near her tea sapling.
12:00 pm Walks to an aisle of the general store.
1:30 pm Leaves home to stand in town square with Jodi.
4:00 pm Returns home and stands in her living room.
9:00 pm Goes to bed.


Caroline is married to Pierre and they live with their daughter Abigail in Pierre's General Store.

Jodi mentions that Caroline is her best friend, and that she is able to tell her anything. The two also attend aerobics class on Tuesdays along with Marnie, Emily and Robin.


주요 문서‎: 보편적인 선물
참고: 모든 선물 목록

플레이어는 캐롤라인에게 일주일에 두 번 (그녀의 생일날 제외) 선물을 줄 수 있으며, 그것은 그녀와 플레이어와의 우정 포인트를 증가 또는 감소시킵니다. 그녀의 생일(Winter.png겨울 7)에 선물을 주면 8배의 효과를 내며, 특정한 대사를 출력합니다.
사랑하거나 좋아하는 선물에는,

“생일 선물? 정말 착하다! 아주 마음에 들어.”
“내 생일 기억해줬구나! 고마워. 정말 좋다.”

평범한 선물에는,

“오, 생일선물! 고마워.”

싫어하거나 혐오하는 선물에는,

“오... 이걸 생일선물로? ... 고마워.”


“You're giving this... to me? I'm speechless.”
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Caroline Happy.png
Fish Taco.png
Fish Taco 맛있는 향이 납니다. Cooking Tuna.png 참치 (1)Tortilla.png 또띠아 (1)Red Cabbage.png 붉은 양배추 (1)Mayonnaise.png 마요네즈 (1)
Green Tea.png
Green Tea 찻잎을 약간 가공하여 만든 기운을 북돋아주는 상쾌한 음료. Keg Tea Leaves.png 찻잎 (1)
Summer Spangle.png
Summer Spangle 여름의 습한 기후에서 잘 자라는 열대지방의 꽃. 달콤하고 톡 쏘는 향이 납니다. Farming - Summer
Tropical Curry.png
Tropical Curry 파인애플로 만든 접시에 담아 먹는 이국적이고 향긋한 카레. Cooking Coconut.png 코코넛 (1)Pineapple.png 파인애플 (1)Hot Pepper.png 매운 고추 (1)


“Oh, goodness! Are you sure?”
Image Name Description Source
Daffodil 전형적인 봄꽃으로, 선물로도 좋습니다. Foraging - Spring
Tea Leaves.png
Tea Leaves 차 나무의 어린 잎사귀. 기운을 북돋아주는 인기 있는 음료를 우려낼 수 있습니다. Tea Bush


“Oh, that's sweet. Thank you.”
Image Name Description Source
Caroline Neutral.png

*Note that Dinosaur Eggs are considered Artifacts and not Eggs for gifting purposes.


“No, no, no...”
Image Name Description Source
Caroline Concerned.png
Amaranth 고대 문명이 재배하던 보라색 곡물. Farming - Fall
Chanterelle 과일 향에 후추 맛이 약간 나는 맛있는 버섯. Foraging - Fall
Common Mushroom.png
Common Mushroom 살짝 견과 향이 나고 질감이 좋습니다. Foraging - Fall
Dandelion 가장 예쁜 꽃은 아니지만, 잎으로 맛있는 샐러드를 만들 수 있습니다. Foraging - Spring
Duck Mayonnaise.png
Duck Mayonnaise 노란색의 진한 마요네즈. Mayonnaise Machine
Ginger 강렬한 맛이 나는 이 뿌리는 활력증진에 도움이 된다 합니다. Foraging - Ginger Island
Hazelnut 정말 큰 헤이즐넛입니다! Foraging - Fall
Holly 잎사귀와 밝은 붉은색 베리는 겨울철 장식으로 유명합니다. Foraging - Winter
Leek 양파의 맛있는 친척. Foraging - Spring
Magma Cap.png
Magma Cap 마그마 근처에 서식하는 매우 희귀한 버섯. Foraging - Volcano Dungeon
Mayonnaise 어딘가 발라 먹을 수 있을 것 같습니다. Mayonnaise Machine
Morel 견과류 향 때문에 인기가 좋은 버섯. Foraging - Spring
Purple Mushroom.png
Purple Mushroom 동굴 깊은 곳에서 발견되는 희귀한 버섯. Foraging - The Mines
Snow Yam.png
Snow Yam 눈 밑에 숨어있던 작은 마. Foraging - Winter
Wild Horseradish.png
Wild Horseradish 봄에 볼 수 있는 매콤한 식물 뿌리 Foraging - Spring
Winter Root.png
Winter Root 탄수화물이 가득한 덩이줄기 식물. Foraging - Winter


“This is absolute junk. I'm offended.”
Image Name Description Source
Caroline Concerned.png
Quartz 동굴이나 광산에서 주로 발견되는 투명한 수정. Foraging - The Mines
Salmonberry 숲의 풍미가 나는 봄철 베리. Foraging - Spring

영화 및 간식

주요 문서‎: 영화관
'Journey Of The Prairie King The Motion Picture'.png 대초원의 왕의 여정: 극장판

'The Brave Little Sapling'.png 용감한 작고 어린 나무

'Mysterium'.png 미스테리움

'It Howls In The Rain'.png 빗속의 울부짖음

'Natural Wonders Exploring Our Vibrant World'.png 자연의 신비: 생기 넘치는 세상의 탐험

'The Zuzu City Express'.png 주주 시티 급행열차

'The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch'.png 콜드스타 목장의 기적

'Wumbus'.png 웜버스
사랑함 ConcessionLove.png
Stardrop Sorbet.png 별방울 소르베
Jasmine Tea.png 자스민 차
Truffle Popcorn.png 트러플 팝콘
싫어함 ConcessionDislike.png
Personal Pizza.png 1인용 피자
Fries.png 감자튀김
Black Licorice.png 검은 감초 사탕
Nachos.png 나초
Jawbreaker.png 돌사탕
Sour Slimes.png 새콤 슬라임
Cotton Candy.png 솜사탕
Rock Candy.png 얼음 사탕
Joja Cola (large).png 조자 콜라
JojaCorn.png 조자콘
좋아함 ConcessionLike.png
다른 모든 간식

Heart Events


At any friendship level greater than zero friendship points, you may receive a gift in the mail from Caroline. The chance of receiving a gift in the mail increases as your friendship with Caroline increases.

Item Description
Cauliflower.png 콜리플라워Parsnip.png 파스닙Potato.png 감자 Dear (Name),

Here's a vegetable from the little garden I keep out back. You probably have more veggies than you know what to do with, but oh well.


Two Hearts

Two Hearts.png

Enter the sunroom via the door in Caroline's kitchen between 9am and 5pm on a day when it's not raining

Sunroom interior

Caroline is excited to show you her new "private" sunroom. She asks what you think of it.

  • It's beautiful! (우정에 영향을 미치지 않습니다)
  • It's very relaxing. (우정에 영향을 미치지 않습니다)
  • It's too hot in here... (우정에 영향을 미치지 않습니다)
  • Not as good as my farm! (우정에 영향을 미치지 않습니다)

Caroline continues telling you how peaceful her sunroom sanctuary is, and offers you a cup of her home-grown Green Tea. You can choose "yes" or "no" without penalty. In either case, a surrealistic cutscene plays, after which Caroline says "Feel free to come here and relax any time you want, okay?"

The sunroom is then unlocked and can be visited any time the house is open. Inside is a Tea Bush that can be harvested to obtain Tea Leaves once each day, during the last week of any season.

The next day, Caroline sends a letter in the mail with the Tea Sapling recipe attached.

Three Hearts

Three Hearts.png

Caroline sends you a recipe in the mail.

Recipe Description
Parsnip Soup.png 설탕당근 스프 Nothing is more satisfying than cooking with fresh vegetables from your own garden! I've enclosed a recipe to help you out. Take care, -Caroline

Six Hearts

Six Hearts.png

Enter Pierre's General Store when Caroline and Abigail are there.

As you enter the store, you hear an argument between Caroline and Abigail in the kitchen.
  • Abigail: "Stop telling me how to live my life!"
  • Caroline: "Hey, cut it out! We're letting you live here free of charge until you finish school. It seems like you don't appreciate that at all!"
  • Abigail: "Stop trying to make me feel guilty. I appreciate that you and Dad are helping me out, but expecting me to dress the way you want is ridiculous. I'm not a little girl anymore, Mom."
  • Caroline: (pause) "...You're right. I'm sorry."

Abigail turns towards the door where you're hiding, and asks if someone is there. You run away, and Abigail swears the house is haunted. Abigail comes out, and says "Urgghh... Sorry... I was fighting with my Mom earlier."

Seven Hearts

Seven Hearts.png

Caroline sends you a recipe in the mail.

Note that the recipe is called Vegetable Stew in the letter, but cooking the recipe creates Vegetable Medley.
Recipe Description
Vegetable Medley.png Vegetable Stew Nothing is more satisfying than cooking with fresh vegetables from your own garden! I've enclosed a recipe to help you out. Take care,




  • Caroline will send you a recipe for Parsnip Soup, which is ironically one of her husband's hated gifts.
  • Despite disliking Mayonnaise, Fish Taco is a loved gift.
  • Caroline will sometimes say "It's a fine-looking day." followed by "On days like these I like to help Evelyn with the public gardens", regardless of the weather.
    • She is never seen actually helping Evelyn with the gardens, no matter what the weather.


  • In Summer, Caroline will sometimes say "On Wednesdays the shop is closed. Keep that in mind if you're going to need anything", even when the Community Center is complete and the store is open 7 days a week.


  • 1.4: Added 2-heart event. Added Green Tea as loved item, Tea Leaves as liked item. Fixed bug where all recipes would be sent at 3 hearts of friendship.
  • 1.5: Added beach portraits.