
Nybenavi (토론 | 기여)님의 2021년 7월 23일 (금) 15:52 판 (→‎주변 관계)

생일 Winter.png겨울 20
집 위치 펠리칸 타운
주소 강변로 1

George Icon.png 조지 (남편)

Alex Icon.png 알렉스 (손자)

결혼 No
좋아하는 선물 Beet.png 사탕무Chocolate Cake.png 초콜릿 케이크Diamond.png 다이아몬드Fairy Rose.png 요정장미Stuffing.png 요리용 속Tulip.png 튤립
Robin building.png
기다려봐, 아직 할 일이 많아.
— 로빈

불완전한 번역

이 기사 또는 섹션은 한국어로 완전히 번역되지 않았습니다. 편집하여 번역하는 데 도움을 주시면 대단히 감사하겠습니다!
2021-07-23 15:52:17 Nybenavi에 의해 마지막으로 편집됨.

“Evelyn has lived in Pelican Town her entire life. Always hopeful and optimistic, "Granny" spends her days tending the town gardens, baking her signature cookies, and reminiscing about Stardew Valley's vibrant past.”
Steam Description

에블린펠리칸 타운에 거주하는 주민이며, 마을의 꽃을 관리하고 있습니다.


그녀는 보통 집의 부엌에 있거나, 도심의 정원을 가꾸고 있습니다. 모든 계절 2일, 그녀는 병원에서 검진을 받으며, 모든 계절 23일에는 조지의 검진에 함께 동행합니다.

Tuesday the 2nd
8:00 am Standing in her kitchen.
10:30 am Leaves home to sit in the waiting room of Harvey's clinic.
1:30 pm Moves to the left examination room.
4:00 pm Returns home from the clinic to stand in her kitchen.
7:00 pm Moves to stand in front of the bookcase in her living room.
9:30 pm Goes to her bedroom.
Tuesday the 23rd
8:00 am Standing in her kitchen.
10:40 am Leaves home to wait in Harvey's clinic with George.
1:30 pm Moves to the left examination room with George.
4:10 pm Returns home from the clinic to stand in her kitchen.
7:00 pm Moves to stand in front of the bookcase in her living room.
9:30 pm Goes to her bedroom.
Winter 17th
8:00 am Standing in her kitchen.
10:40 am Stands next to the TV with George.
12:10 pm Stands at her kitchen table.
1:00 pm Sits in her house.
4:30 pm Arrives at the Night Market.
11:40 pm Arrives in her bedroom.
Rainy day
8:00 am Standing in her kitchen.
10:40 am Stands next to the TV with George.
12:10 pm Stands at her kitchen table.
4:30 pm Stands in her kitchen, near the appliances.
7:00 pm Moves to stand in front of the bookcase in her living room.
9:30 pm Goes to her bedroom.
Monday, Thursday, Saturday (community center repaired)
8:00 am Standing in her kitchen.
10:40 am Stands next to the TV with George.
12:10 pm Heads to the community center to sit in the armchair in the crafts room.
4:30 pm Stands in her kitchen, near the appliances.
7:00 pm Moves to stand in front of the bookcase in her living room.
9:30 pm Goes to her bedroom.
Summer Daily Schedule
8:00 am Standing in her kitchen.
10:40 am Stands next to the TV with George.
12:10 pm Stands at her kitchen table.
1:00 pm Goes to tend the plants just northwest of town square.
4:30 pm Stands in her kitchen, near the appliances.
7:00 pm Moves to stand in front of the bookcase in her living room.
9:30 pm Goes to her bedroom.
Normal Daily Schedule
8:00 am Standing in her kitchen.
10:40 am Stands next to the TV with George.
12:10 pm Stands at her kitchen table.
1:00 pm Goes to tend the plants just southeast of town square.
4:30 pm Stands in her kitchen, near the appliances.
7:00 pm Moves to stand in front of the bookcase in her living room.
9:30 pm Goes to her bedroom.

주변 관계

에블린은 조지와 결혼했으며 그녀의 손자 알렉스와 함께 살고 있습니다. 알렉스의 돌아가신 어머니 클라라는 에블린의 딸이었습니다.

에블린의 탁자에는 '엄마'에게 쓰여진 쪽지가 있습니다. 메모는 다음과 같습니다.

“엄마- 이걸 읽고 있다면, 난 이미 세상을 떠난 후일거야. 이런 일을 경험하게 해서 미안해. 둘다 많이 사랑한다는 걸 알아줘.

너무 슬퍼하진 마, 난 이제 요바와 함께야. 내 마지막 부탁이 있어: 알렉스를 돌봐줘. 착한 아이야, 가족이 필요한. 무언가 안정이 필요해.

사랑을 담아, 클라라”

이것은 아마도 알렉스의 어머니인 에블린의 딸 클라라의 쪽지일 것입니다. 클라라는 알렉스를 에블린과 조지와 함께 살게 해주고, 세상을 떠났습니다.

스타듀밸리를 시작하며 주민들을 처음 만날 때, 에블린은 당신에게 "할매"라고 부를 수 있도록 허락해 줄 것입니다.


주요 문서‎: 보편적인 선물
참고: 모든 선물 목록

플레이어는 에블린에게 일주일에 두 번 (그녀의 생일날 제외) 선물을 줄 수 있으며, 그것은 그녀와 플레이어와의 우정 포인트를 증가 또는 감소시킵니다. 그녀의 생일( 겨울 20)에 선물을 주면 8배의 효과를 내며, 특정한 대사를 출력합니다.
사랑하거나 좋아하는 선물에는,

“생일 선물? 정말 착하다! 아주 마음에 들어.”
“내 생일 기억해줬구나! 고마워. 정말 좋다.”

평범한 선물에는,

“오, 생일선물! 고마워.”

싫어하거나 혐오하는 선물에는,

“오... 이걸 생일선물로? ... 고마워.”

매우 좋아함

“*gasp*... This is absolutely marvelous! You've made an old lady very happy.”
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
사탕무 달콤하고 대지의 향이 나는 뿌리채소. 보너스로, 잎사귀로 만든 샐러드도 맛있습니다. 농사
초콜릿 케이크 진하고 촉촉하고, 두꺼운 퍼지 아이싱이 올라가 있습니다. 요리   밀가루 (1)  설탕 (1)  달걀 (1)
다이아몬드 희귀하고 값비싼 보석. 채광
요정장미 전설에 의하면 이 꽃의 달콤한 향이 요정들을 끌어들인다고 합니다. 농사
요리용 속 아아... 따뜻한 빵과 세이지 향기. 요리    (1)  크랜베리 (1)  헤이즐넛 (1)
튤립 가장 인기 있는 봄철 꽃. 은은하게 달콤한 향이 납니다. 농사


“Oh my, it looks wonderful! That's very kind of you.”
Image Name Description Source
수선화 전형적인 봄꽃으로, 선물로도 좋습니다. 채집 -


“How nice. Thank you, dear”
Image Name Description Source
살구버섯 과일 향에 후추 맛이 약간 나는 맛있는 버섯. 채집 -
흔한 버섯 살짝 견과 향이 나고 질감이 좋습니다. 채집 - 가을
민들레 가장 예쁜 꽃은 아니지만, 잎으로 맛있는 샐러드를 만들 수 있습니다. 채집 -
생강 강렬한 맛이 나는 이 뿌리는 활력증진에 도움이 된다 합니다. 채집 - 진저 섬
헤이즐넛 정말 큰 헤이즐넛입니다! 채집 - 가을
리크 양파의 맛있는 친척. 채집 -
마그마 버섯 마그마 근처에 서식하는 매우 희귀한 버섯. 채집 - 화산 던전
곰보버섯 견과류 향 때문에 인기가 좋은 버섯. 채집 -
보라색 버섯 동굴 깊은 곳에서 발견되는 희귀한 버섯. 채집 - 광산
눈마 눈 밑에 숨어있던 작은 마. 채집 - 겨울
겨울뿌리 탄수화물이 가득한 덩이줄기 식물. 채집 - 겨울

*공룡알은 선물할 때는 달걀이 아닌 유물 취급


“Um, Where will I put this?”
Image Name Description Source
석영 동굴이나 광산에서 주로 발견되는 투명한 수정. 채집 - 광산
야생 고추냉이 봄에 볼 수 있는 매콤한 식물 뿌리 채집 -

매우 싫어함

“...it smells awful.”
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
조개 한때 누군가 여기 살았습니다. 채집 - 해변
점토 건축이나 물품을 제작할 때 사용됩니다. 호미질
산호 작은 생물체들이 무리 지어 형성한 아름다운 구조물. 채집 - 해변
장어튀김 기름지지만 향이 깊습니다. 요리   장어 (1)  기름 (1)
마늘 요리에 훌륭한 풍미를 더해줍니다. 품질 좋은 마늘은 꽤 매콤할 수 있습니다. 농사 -
호랑가시나무 열매 잎사귀와 밝은 붉은색 베리는 겨울철 장식으로 유명합니다. 채집 - 겨울
마키 롤 생선과 쌀을 해초로 감싸서 만든 요리. 요리   아무 생선 (1)  해초 (1)   (1)
새먼베리 숲의 풍미가 나는 봄철 베리. 채집 -
얇게 뜬 날 생선. 요리   아무 생선 (1)
백량금 톡 쏘는 향이 납니다. 채집 - 여름
매콤한 장어 정말 맵습니다! 조심하세요. 요리   장어 (1)  매운 고추 (1)
송어 스프 꽤 짭니다. 요리   무지개송어 (1)  녹조류 (1)

영화 & 간식

주요 문서‎: 영화관
매우 좋아함
  콜드스타 목장의 기적

  주주 시티 급행열차

  대초원의 왕의 여정: 극장판

  자연의 신비: 생기 넘치는 세상의 탐험

  용감한 작고 어린 나무


  빗속의 울부짖음


매우 좋아함  
  카푸치노 무스 케이크
  스타 쿠키
  별방울 소르베
  검은 감초사탕
  조자 콜라
  조자 콘
  1인용 피자
  소금을 뿌린 땅콩
  트러플 팝콘
위를 제외한 나머지

Heart Events


At any friendship level greater than zero friendship points, you may receive a gift in the mail from Evelyn. The chance of receiving a gift in the mail increases as your friendship with Evelyn increases.

Item Description
    초콜릿 케이크  쿠키 Hello there, dear, I hope your farm is doing well. I'm sending you a little something from my kitchen... I hope it didn't crumble in the mail.


Four Hearts


Enter Evelyn's home while she is inside.

You find Evelyn baking cookies. She offers you some, and asks what you think:
  • "It's delicious!" (우정 +100)
  • "It was like chewing on a hockey puck" (우정 -100)

In either case, she gives you the Cookie recipe.

Seven Hearts


After reaching 7 hearts with Evelyn she will send the player a recipe in the mail.

Image Recipe Description
Rice Pudding I usually don't give out my recipes... but since you've been such a sweetheart to George and I, I've written this one down for you.

- Evelyn



First Meeting

“어머, 안녕 얘야, 우리 주민 중 하나가 된 걸 환영한다! 원한다면 나를 '할매'라고 불러도 괜찮단다.”


“Oh my! What a lovely day.”
“Don't mind my husband, George. He isn't very friendly to strangers. If you get to know him better he'll warm up to you. I'm sure you two could become good friends one day!”
“George spends the whole day in front of that darned television set. I wish he'd go outside more. Some fresh air would do him good.”
“I used to love looking at the clouds, but I have trouble seeing them these days. My eyes just don't work as well as they used to.”
“It's nice to be so close to the ocean. The sound of the sea makes going to sleep a lot easier. As kids we hunted for seashells after the tide went out. Those were the days...”

Rainy Day

“When I woke up I heard dripping from somewhere... I think the roof might be leaking. In the old days, George would've scampered right up and fixed it... *sigh*”

6+ Hearts

“It's nice of you to take the time to visit George and I. Without young people around, we'd age much faster.”

If player marries Alex

“How's my grandson doing? I imagine he's quite happy living on the farm... He deserves to be happy... he's a good boy.”
“Oh, hello my dear. I think of you as my own grand-daughter/grandson now.”

After upgrading Pam's house

“Oh, sweetie... that was so nice of you to put Pam up in a beautiful new house! It warms my heart when people take care of each other like that...”

If anonymous

“Call me a silly old fool... but I think I have an idea who paid for Pam's new house... *wink*”


“I saw the most beautiful family of butterflies sunning themselves in the town garden yesterday.”
“The good Mayor put me in charge of the town's public gardens.”
“I've been working on the town flower beds for weeks, so don't step on them!”

George's Doctor Visit

“Could you check his lungs? He's been wheezing lately.”


“Since you're so interested in my husband I'll let you in on a little secret: he really likes leeks! You can find them in the mountains this time of year.”
“I'll be baking cookies today. I like to make flower shapes in the spring. Maybe I'll tell you my recipe one of these days.”

Spring 15

On the 15th of Spring Evelyn will send you a letter in the mail. (Note: this letter will arrive whether or not you have actually met Evelyn.)

“Hello, dear...

I know you're just getting started as a gardener, so I wanted to give you a little tip.

Most crops only grow in one season. When summer arrives, your spring crops will all die out. So plan ahead!

-Granny Evelyn”


“I feel more energetic in this wonderful weather.”
“George is always a little less grumpy in the summer. The warm weather softens his bones. You might not be able to tell, but I can. I've known him for sixty years!”
“The good Mayor put me in charge of the town's public gardens. I've been working on the town flower beds for months, so don't step on them!”
“I'm going to bake cookies today. They're coconut wonders shaped like little palm trees! Heehee. Maybe I'll tell you my recipe one of these days.”
“Be careful out there, dear. You could get sunburnt!”
“Sweet peas are in bloom right now. They've got such a wonderful fragrance, haven't they?”
“It seems like we always have more visitors when I start baking cookies. My mother taught me the recipe.”


“With every year I appreciate the seasons more and more. For young people it's easy to let them slip by.”
“I've been putting raisins in George's oatmeal... but he hasn't said a word. I wonder if he even notices these things?”
“The good Mayor put me in charge of the town's public gardens. The fall flowers are delicate, so don't go stomping on them! I know how you kids like to do.”
“Today I'm baking cookies. They're shaped like little pumpkins. Maybe I'll tell you my recipe one of these days.”
“Are you friends with Alex? Sometime he worries me sick.”
“My eyesight may be poor, but my nose hasn't failed me yet! I can smell fallen leaves and mushrooms. It reminds me of the forests I used to play in as a girl.”


“Be careful you don't slip on the ice, dear.”
“Aren't you cold? You should wear a thicker jacket, my dear! This weather isn't good for my joints...”
“I usually tend to the gardens, but they're covered in snow. I still like to check up on them now and then.”
“We've lived here for over 30 years. We've seen a lot of people come and go. Your grandfather, for one. Bless him... *sigh*”
“Oh... my dear. You have your grandfather's eyes... Yes... yes... I knew him very well.”
“You should make some hot soup to stay warm. And make sure you wear a jacket!”

8+ Hearts

“[Player], have I told you that George and I have lived in our house for 30 years? I hope you stay here for a while.”

Egg Festival

“This festival has been a tradition for as long as I can remember. Tradition connects us with both the past and the future... it's comforting.”

Flower Dance

“I've been working on these floral arrangements for a week. Do you like them?”

The Luau

“Ahh... The smell of the ocean takes me back many years. Long before you were born.”

Dance of the Moonlight Jellies

“I remember seeing the jellies once, as a little girl. Oh, how I jumped with joy when they arrived! But that was long ago... I'm a lot less energetic now.”

Stardew Valley Fair

“I wish Gus would include a vegetarian option. Some zucchinni skewers, maybe?”

Spirit's Eve

“I wish Gus would include a vegetarian option. Some zucchinni skewers, maybe?”

Festival of Ice

“Did I ever tell you how George and I first met? He actually pelted me with a snowball in this very festival. He was a gentleman back then, and came over to see if I was okay.”

Feast of the Winter Star

“Oh, my! Aren't you cold, dear? It's freezing!”

